Now that many of us in the western world are fully vaccinated, we are starting to emerge from our little hives. This weekend, I met up with a friend I hadn't seen since the beginning of 2020, and it was nice to catch up and introduce my girlfriend, E, to him. He and I have been friends since we were 14 years old.

Then, E and I went to see a movie at a theater, and then went out to dinner with her friends. The weather was nice, so we took a little walk to get from the theater to the restaurant.

It was a little strange to get back into socializing in public. I didn't feel any anxiety, honestly, but I did keep a respectful distance from everyone. It was nice to do this kind of thing again.

This Tuesday, I might meet up with my work teammates for the first time. I joined this job during the pandemic, so I haven't met them in person yet. I'm a little nervous about it because I don't know what our dynamic will be. Plus, I've gained some pandemic weight, and this is the first time I'm meeting new people with this version of my appearance. It's not a dramatic difference, but it's just a little strange.