I have this issue...

02-13-2022 (b0)

From what I've read it's a pretty common one. In essence I start something and I don't finish it. There's more to it though. Some of it has to do with scoping projects too big. Sometimes it has to do with scoping projects too small. In my experience it doesn't matter what I do or don't do on a particular project it can end up getting shelved regardless of my efforts. For example this blog is not the the first time I've tried to launch a place to post stuff online, just the first successful one.

I've actually made a post about this before.

Gemlog.blue was so simple that not starting a blog was barely easier. As soon as the decision was made so was the blog.

Currently I'm working on two big projects. One about the history of the political movement/musical revolution/punk scene/worldwide phenomena/commodified product that was Riot Grrrl. It's a really fascinating subject but I keep putting it off. I've started writing maybe like eight discrete documents about my thoughts and feelings on the subject but upon revisiting they end up getting shelved. Part of it is that I have a pile of 25 books on the subject sitting on a table near where I write. Part of it is feeling like what I'm producing is inadequate. This is all very ironic since one of the core take aways from the culture of the Riot Grrrl movement was the value of spontaneity and the simple act of creation.

Ya just gotta commit to riding that wave of hyperfixation through the process of finishing the whole thing before your brain even has a chance to put it off or at least until you can get a substantive enough chunk of the project built that finishing it is not insurmountable.

Final Note - This means projects will just happen when they happen. If I mention I'm working on something then I probably am you're just gonna need to wait for it to actually happen!

Anyways, those are just my thoughts for now. See you in the next post! |#╹ー╹|ツ

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