| t | a | l | l | y |

the tally guide : operator reference

This document is a reference of the available operators/functions tally offers. Descriptions are given in format that shows the relevant portions of the stack:

( n1 n2 -- sum )

The parenthesis indicate the beginning and ending of the function description. In the above example `n1` and `n2` both represent numbers on the stack, this `n`. `n2` is the top value on the stack, `n1` is below it. The `--` separates the state from before the function is applied and the stack state after the function is applied. In the above example we are left with `sum` on the stack (the above example is for addition).

Note that in this form of notation there could still be any number of values on either side of the `--`. The description only shows the values modified by the function in question.

Operator Reference


( n1 n2 -- sum )

Adds `n2` to `n1`.


( n1 n2 -- n )

Subtracts `n2` from `n1`.


( n1 n2 -- n )

Multiplies `n1` by `n2`.


( n1 n2 -- n )

Divides `n1` by `n2`.


( n1 n2 -- n )

Raises `n1` to the power of `n2`.


( n1 places -- n )

Rounds `n1` to a number of decimal places equal to `places`.


( n1 n2 -- n )

Finds the larger/higher number, of `n1` and `n2`.


( n1 n2 -- n )

Finds the smaller/lower number, of `n1` and `n2`.


( n1 -- n )

Floors `n1` (removes all decimal values).


( n1 -- n )

Ceilings `n1` (rounds up to the nearest whole number).


( -- )

Adds an ascii space character to the string buffer. Has no effect on the number stack.


( n -- )

Takes `n` and adds it as a text value to the string buffer.


( n1 -- n1 n1 )

Duplicates the value on top of the stack, leaving the duplicate on the top of the stack.


( n -- )

Removes the value on top of the stack and throws it away (does nothing with it beyond removing it from the stack).


( n1 n2 -- n2 n1 )

Swaps the positions of the top two stack values.


( n1 n2 -- n1 n2 n1 )

Copies the number below the top value on the stack and adds the copy to the top of the stack.


( n1 n2 n3 nX... -- )

Removes all values from the stack and throws them away (does nothing with them beyond removing them from the stack).

Range Operator Reference

At present only one range operator exists. Unlike normal operators/functions range operators get added to their cell references. In `A1:B3+`, the `+` is the operator on the range.


Sums all values in the range.


PREV: expressions

the tally guide