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Message boards via e-mail, not Gemini

marc marcx2 at welz.org.za

Sun Jan 10 09:52:49 GMT 2021

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Whoops, missed "From" (thus missing mails never replied to). Adding it
in, we get:

Just to a quick note of appreciation for youreffort to actually do the analysis.

My (very rough) summary gives the followingbreakdown:

gmail 28other commercial providers 17domains with more than one sender 30domains with one sender 134 (yay!)

I have now seen the argument:

"everybody uses gmail thesdays, sad, but you can't change that"

on a number of mailing lists and it is reallyneat to see that this does not have to be thecase.

I have two observations to make:

Loads of people who have been on the internet forsome decades remember the good old days fondly,and are sad at what the internet (well, mainly web)has turned in to. My view is that the good partsof the internet are still there and are better thanever - it is just that the good parts are completelydwarfed by the amount of rubbish that is being addedeven more quickly.

So this is my theory of internet inflation (similarto cosmic inflation):

"The bright stuff that matters is still there, but the vacuous stuff (vacuum) in between is growing and making the good stuff hard to find."

And I consider this list one of the bright points onthe internet, amongst the darkness of all the facebooglegram.

Then the second observation relates to the protocol discussionshere: A while ago some beginner woodworking article hadthe (paraphrased) line in it:

"To get started, we recommend making your own workbench. And if you are thinking of buying a workbench, reconsider if woodworking is really for you"

So at the risk of being a elitist, I tend to take commentson protocol nuances and extensions a lot more seriouslyfrom a selfhosted email address, on the basis that theposter has some form of experience/expertise relating torunning an internet facing service.

