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A bit of History

This is a sort of continuation from my 'career' within the MUSHing hobbyspace.

MUSH Timeline

More to the point someone I had passing aquaintance with pings me on discord. Says they made a serverspace. Said a lot of other things. I get invited. Invite several other folk because 'Hey more the merrier.' Disagreements happen that, honestly, feel really silly. However, instead of taking that as 'Well that landed with a wet thud.' I made a server of my own, taking lessons from now ex-friend's server.

That server is technically still up, but after a year of flailing around and seeing no real traction? I decided enough was enough and rather than metaphorically shoot the initial complainer, I listened to what they had to say and just let the whole thing go.

What I'm posting here is an attempt at gathering a lot of mental notes, sanatizing to remove the whole 'everything is copyrighted forever,' and presenting it all so maybe others can use it as thier own.

At the very least it is wort ha chuckle I suppose.

Lore, Details, and Stuff

Overal Philosophy.

The mindset I tend to favor when at a given table top, virtual or otherwise.

Game Rules.

Less a full on system of dice and combat and more guidelines on how to run a given campaign with whatever system you like.

In Universe Lore and History.

The Genesis Scramble that brought everyone and everything to the literal middle of nowhere and why most of those people actually survived the process.

The animals and other non-sapiant things roaming around and aobut.

All the not-people/not-thinking things that got carted from There to Here.

Organizations, Companies, and Govermnets.

Even when you're Nowhere, there is still paperwork. These are the groups that create that paperwork, ando r will come to break your legs for not filing it correctly.

Noteable People.

Getting from Place to Place.

Technology both Great and Small.


Tabletop and Roleplay

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