Gemini Digest, Vol 26, Issue 36
- 📧 Messages: 2
- 🗣️ Authors: 2
- 📅 First Message: 2021-09-28 11:37
- 📅 Last Message: 2021-09-28 13:48
charliebrownau <charliebrownau (a)>
- 📅 Sent: 2021-09-28 11:37
- 📧 Message 1 of 2
I would love to see newsgroup rival
for news (textural), low bandwidth photos/pics and low bandwidth files
(podcasts,recipies, wood working/3d printing plans)
Problem is gemini protcol would have to support
- Username and password
- Encyption
- Proper text entry
I dont see the current workaround as a valid solution
that pass's text input back to the site as a half baked
workaround for search engines currently
It would be good if old opensource/foss newsgroup clients
were patched to support GNG (Gemini News Group)
both CLI + UI
Would the newsgroups support opt in multi server linking system
Kitty Server
- cotton balls
- treats
- those dogs
- silly owner
You could connect to treats if other sections were down
I would like to see secure
IRCS , FTPS, newsgroupS and fingerS come back
without bloated http web, corporations, , centralised cloud servers , subverive elements
Along with support for alt DNS such as IPFS/OpenNic or something else to
get around Centralised Censorship
Also has anyone dissussed a method to transfer email in bulk at certain
times using gemini like the old fido mail BBS system
for gemini situations of low bandwidth, bandwidth limits
or partial uptime periods of time or different quota/speeds on the
connection if self hosting at home or grid down issues
Also whats the best Gemini server progrma to use
without systemd, dbus, policykit, java, python, dotnet
, snap, flatpak
for a low end vps to serve gemlog, gemcast stream
and a few picutures
People's Republic of Australia
- charliebrownau at
Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
??????? Original Message ???????
On Tuesday, September 28th, 2021 at 11:00 AM, <gemini-request at> wrote:
> Send Gemini mailing list submissions to
> gemini at
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> gemini-request at
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> gemini-owner at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Gemini digest..."
> Today's Topics:
> 1. Re: Gemini Usenet Newsgroup (Leo)
> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2021 02:34:43 +0300
> From: "Leo" list at
> To: gemini at
> Subject: Re: Gemini Usenet Newsgroup
> Message-ID: CEL27VWG9Z2V.2082CYSM2Z0N8 at rath
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> On Mon Sep 27, 2021 at 12:39 PM +03, Jason Evans wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > If anyone is interested, I can start putting together a proposal for a
> >
> > Gemini Usenet newsgroup. comp.infosystems.gopher is still around and
> >
> > active. A new comp.infosystems.gemini could be created in the classic
> >
> > Usenet Big-8 hierarchies but we need people who are willing to say that
> >
> > they would use it before it could be created.
> This is great news. I think Gemini and Usenet have some audience overlap
> and it's a good idea to have an avenue of discussion that does not rely
> on a single mail list.
> I read and participate in different Usenet newsgroups, and Gemini will
> be a welcome addition to the list.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Leo
> -----
> Subject: Digest Footer
> Gemini mailing list
> Gemini at
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> End of Gemini Digest, Vol 26, Issue 36
Link to individual message.
Jason McBrayer <jmcbray (a)>
- 📅 Sent: 2021-09-28 13:48
- 📧 Message 2 of 2
charliebrownau <charliebrownau at> writes:
> Gday
> 1.
> I would love to see newsgroup rival
> for news (textural), low bandwidth photos/pics and low bandwidth files
(podcasts,recipies, wood working/3d printing plans)
> 2.I would like to see secure> IRCS , FTPS, newsgroupS and fingerS come back
> without bloated http web, corporations, , centralised cloud servers ,
> subverive elements
I'd say that none of these are really in-scope for Gemini. A lot of the
things in (2) already exist. For example, I access a couple of NNTP
servers that use TLS. NNTP has its problems, and I'd love to see
something that both modernizes and simplifies it, but that's going to be
its own protocol, not something build on Gemini.
> 3. Also has anyone dissussed a method to transfer email in bulk at
certain times using gemini like the old fido mail BBS system
> for gemini situations of low bandwidth, bandwidth limits
> or partial uptime periods of time or different quota/speeds on the
connection if self hosting at home or grid down issues
What you want to look into for this is NNCP
( It is a successor protocol to UUCP, which was
traditionally used for those purposes. Building on top of NNCP is a
really promising approach to any attempt to rethink news and mail.
> 4.
> Also whats the best Gemini server progrma to use
> without systemd, dbus, policykit, java, python, dotnet
> , snap, flatpak
> for a low end vps to serve gemlog, gemcast stream
> and a few picutures
There are several Gemini servers in C with limited dependencies.
Jason McBrayer | ?Strange is the night where black stars rise,
jmcbray at | and strange moons circle through the skies,
| but stranger still is lost Carcosa.?
| ? Robert W. Chambers,The King in Yellow
Link to individual message.
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