Gemini server torture test?

Chris Brannon <chris (a)>

I know there's a torture test for Gemini clients, but is there one for
Gemini servers too?  I haven't been able to find one, so I'm guessing not.

Chris Brannon
Founder: Blind and Low Vision Unix Users Group (
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Chat: IRC: teiresias on and OFTC, XMPP: chris at

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Omar Polo <op (a)>

Chris Brannon <chris at> writes:

> I know there's a torture test for Gemini clients, but is there one for
> Gemini servers too?  I haven't been able to find one, so I'm guessing not.


there's gemini-diagnostic

but unlike the torture test for clients, a general framework for testing
servers is harder.  It can gave you some confidence that a piece of
software is not completely broken, but cannot replace a good ad-hoc
regress suite :)


Omar Polo

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