[Discussion] Any Clients Outputting Content in Columns?

Jonathan McHugh <indieterminacy (a) libre.brussels>

Hello all,

While I recognise this is beyond the spec:

Any rogue clients outputting content in columns (I guess at 40 characters plus spacing)?

Given I am working on kanban boards it would be nice if somebody has made 
my life a little easier.

At my end Im temped to approach it in Emacs-Elpher, to see whether I can 
scoop up the buffer content in output differing chunks in multiple (readonly?) buffers

Jonathan McHugh
indieterminacy at libre.brussels (mailto:indieterminacy at libre.brussels)

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Jonathan McHugh <indieterminacy (a) libre.brussels>

Hi Nathan,

September 23, 2021 4:29 PM, "Nathan Galt" <mailinglists at ngalt.com> wrote:

>> On Sep 23, 2021, at 12:11 AM, Jonathan McHugh <indieterminacy at 
libre.brussels> wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> While I recognise this is beyond the spec:
>> Any rogue clients outputting content in columns (I guess at 40 
characters plus spacing)?
> It shouldn?t be too difficult to cut the width down to 40 characters on 
a phone screen, especially
> if the font size is bumped up a little bit.
> amfora has a user-adjustable normal-text width. I turned mine down by 
bumping up the left margin.
> I don?t know if either really counts as ?rogue?, though.
Its a shame that Amfora isnt packaged for Guix yet, should it not happen 
Ill do it in 2022.
>> Given I am working on kanban boards it would be nice if somebody has 
made my life a little easier.
>> At my end Im temped to approach it in Emacs-Elpher, to see whether I 
can scoop up the buffer
>> content in output differing chunks in multiple (readonly?) buffers
> if I wanted to make a kanban board in gemini I?d strongly consider 
having users have a bunch of
> separate windows open, one per visible column.

Im used to tiling managers (used Bspwm for years, now on EXWM) but worried 
that non-tiling window manager users might find that approach crude. Ill 
take this as reassurance that users are mature enough to use multiple 
windows and dont require so much spoonfeeding.

Nethertheless, I am intrigued by how a form feed or seperator annotation 
could be implemented, which proposes column expectation (as discussed be 
me in a neighbouring thread)
=> https://lists.orbitalfox.eu/archives/gemini/2021/007210.html

> I haven?t had coffee yet, so I might be wildly misinterpreting where 
you?re going with this.

You were in the right ballpark. I hope you managed a cuppa.


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