👽 melyanna

I hear a lot of people saying they are abandoning gemini and moving on to something else (or back to the WWW) but I actually like it more in here than anywhere else.

2 years ago · 👍 degrowther2, nristen, iam_ami, cobradile94, arman, astroseneca, eph, astromech, diet7up


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8 Replies

👽 melyanna

@tskaalgard someone who needs a lot of attention, I suspect ;) · 1 year ago

👽 melyanna

@thenextseldoncrisis yes, it appears to be mostly a "back to the www" thing. Which makes sense based on their argument but then at the same time I'd say they could always go there for that type of content and stay for everything else there is in here. One can be in both spaces at the same time... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ · 1 year ago

👽 thenextseldoncrisis

Echoing some other comments here, have these people mentioned where they wish to move to? Back to the WWW makes sense based on the content argument mentioned by melyanna, just curious where else other users may be moving to. · 2 years ago

👽 melyanna

@dimkr I belirve they are either struggling to find the content they are looking for, or not happy with the protocol's features. I think's just perfect for me and have found a great variety of content, all written with care and passion. · 2 years ago

👽 dimkr

Why are they abandoning Gemini? · 2 years ago

👽 arman

Surely they're out of their minds!

I wasn't really on the web until ~2007 so I don't have any nostalgia for the old web. Nevertheless, gemini (and gopher!) have been FAR more enjoyable to use in my opinion over these last two months that I learned about them · 2 years ago

👽 cobradile94

Same, reminds me of the old web! · 2 years ago

👽 nristen

So do I. · 2 years ago