Upload a file to gemlog.blue?

Brandon Taylor <br.ta.2818 (a) gmail.com>

I know the maintainers of gemlog.blue intended their capsule to be a
quick-and-easy way for new Gemini protocol users to learn the basics of the
thing -- create an account, add a post, edit a post, delete a post. But my
question is, is there any way to do a direct upload of a Gemini *file* to
this capsule? If not, what would be a better Gemini capsule that would
accommodate for direct uploads?

Brandon Taylor

Link to individual message.

Andrew Singleton <singletona082 (a) gmail.com>

Flounder.online allows sftp access to your user directory. Their web tools 
on the http site are pretty meh, and they have a few here limits (128k max 
file size, I want to say a 104 or so file limit. 10mb userspace limit.)

They also mirror user content for html browsers, which is how I found the 
site out. So also doubles as easy way to advertise your content on the Big 
Web too. Not perfect, but it's letting me built a site up and get into the 
habit of maintaining it so if I end up migrating I can just take my backup 
and go elsewhere. Also the server maintainer and owner seems interested in 
allowing users to compress their sites to .gml files but I don't know if 
there's been any work yet on they front.

Apologies for sounding like an advertisement. The place is really nice as 
a 'getting your feet wet' option specially if, like me. You have no disposable income.

Jul 1, 2021 6:34:24 PM Brandon Taylor <br.ta.2818 at gmail.com>:

> I know the maintainers of gemlog.blue intended their capsule to be a 
quick-and-easy way for new Gemini protocol users to learn the basics of 
the thing -- create an account, add a post, edit a post, delete a post. 
But my question is, is there any way to do a direct upload of a Gemini 
/file/?to this capsule? If not, what would be a better Gemini capsule that 
would accommodate for direct uploads?
> Brandon Taylor

Link to individual message.


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