Gemini Digest, Vol 23, Issue 44

charliebrownau <charliebrownau (a)>


Thanks for the great gempost CyberTailor  !!

I managed to throw up a simple gaming group front page tonight
which Ive been putting off for a while

I will be working on my own personal domain tommorow


Are any gem servers already packaged in Docker or some vitualised container
So one could run

VPS server
	- 1 - plain static website
	- 2 - gemblog
	- 3 - mumble
	- 4 - irc/xmpp


The Gnuserland

Do we want more centralised "review" and "scores" sites
that end up getting abused, doxing people and lying about
customers or business's

What about creating a review in
- textual form
- photos
- turning that into a blog and pdf/gemfile
that can be downloaded
and on top video review hosted as MP4/WebM (XviD/X264/AV1)
on the gem server and or peertube instance

I like Lukesmiths Recipe site idea -
maybe something like that could get adapted to reviews
but as gemspace is for the entire world and not a single district/city/nation
it might have to get sectioned off for areas/cities/nations, along with food types.


Funding :-

Problem with "mainstream" and "ALT tech"
they both rely on the International Central banking cartel
with payment processors , paypal, tspring,etc

Also with Goverment demanded handouts an USD$20 shirt
often ends up AUD$35/NZ$35/CA$35
(Remember its not theif when the goverment calls it 'taxation' / gst+vat / 
income 'tax' /etc)

Maybe help fund Master Server Hubs, District/national servers or
invidual popular servers hosting various users that goes towards
 VPS/cohost/server costs directly

Instead of going via some huge payment process or banking cartel system

I would avoid Cypto all together

The only currency I trust is anonymous phsyical cash (coins/notes)


Side note if anyone is interested in alt currency check out
- Community Currency
- Local Currency
- Agorism + Counter Economics

Charliebrownau at

Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

??????? Original Message ???????

On Friday, June 25th, 2021 at 7:39 PM, <gemini-request at> wrote:

> Send Gemini mailing list submissions to
> gemini at
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> gemini-request at
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> gemini-owner at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Gemini digest..."
> Today's Topics:
> 1.  GDPR and the protocol implications (Matthias Geier)
> 2.  Re: GDPR and the protocol implications (Omar Polo)
> 3.  Re: Gemini Digest, Vol 23, Issue 40 (Anna ?CyberTailor?)
> 4.  Re: GDPR and the protocol implications (adnidor)
> 5.  Re: GDPR and the protocol implications (K?vin)
> 6.  [USER][IDEA] Gemini Database of Places and Restaurants
>     (The Gnuserland)
> 7.  Re: A proposal to fund the Gemini project (The Doctor)
> Message: 1
> Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2021 10:59:32 +0200
> From: Matthias Geier matthias.geier at
> To: gemini at
> Subject: GDPR and the protocol implications
> Message-ID:
> CAEtdmSzf1Q21XnjaAbuuHPXgNDBJemFy4k=k+Upm7fc5M=p2Eg at
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Hello fellow developers
> To say that upfront, I searched most of the archive, didn't find that topic
> in there
> About gdpr and certificates. If I am not mistaken, before I even request
> the TLS certificate, I'd need to get a user consent, not to mention storing
> it.
> On a capsule like station, you can ignore the certificate until you sign
> up, but for instance if I want to prevent spam/DoS and check against a
> certification authority, I'd need to get permission for that first. Which
> beats the purpose partially
> Is the manual opt-in to show a cert on a specific domain enough for gdpr
> (clients require you to set the cert for the domains)? I can't show a gdpr
> warning on the cert missing error, since the spec doesn't allow me to.
> Not to mention other consent stuff for storing and processing information?
> I am aware that the small internet won't be sued soon, because no one
> cares. However hosting a service in the EU as a private person has become
> dangerous and you don't want to end up with a fine in the 10k range for
> infringement
> Any opinions, best practices, advice, discussion is welcome ?

Link to individual message.

Jonathan McHugh <indieterminacy (a)>

Dear Charlie,

Its always a pleasure to hear about creative uses of value.

Of course, there are many examples of local scarcities producing
economic value and advantage
Biological pigments were often difficult to acquire, and the details of 
their production were kept secret by the manufacturers. Tyrian purple is a 
pigment made from the mucus of several species of Murex snail. Production 
of Tyrian purple for use as a fabric dye began as early as 1200 BCE by the 
Phoenicians, and was continued by the Greeks and Romans until 1453 CE, 
with the fall of Constantinople The pigment was expensive and complex to 
produce, and items colored with it became associated with power and wealth

Tyrian purple may first have been used by the ancient Phoenicians as early 
as 1570 BCE It has been suggested that the name Phoenicia itself means 
'land of purple' The dye was greatly prized in antiquity because the 
colour did not easily fade, but instead became brighter with weathering 
and sunlight It came in various shades, the most prized being that of 
black-tinted clotted blood 

And then there is the Norman technique:
The most prominent and best recorded use of the split tally stick or 
"nick-stick"[6][7] being used as a form of currency[8] was when Henry I 
introduced the tally stick system in medieval England in around 1100. He 
would accept the tally stick only for taxes, and it was a tool of the 
Exchequer for the collection of taxes by local sheriffs (tax farmers 
"farming the shire")[citation needed] for seven centuries.

The system of tally marks of the Exchequer is described in The Dialogue 
Concerning the Exchequer as follows:

    The manner of cutting is as follows. At the top of the tally a cut is 
made, the thickness of the palm of the hand, to represent a thousand 
pounds; then a hundred pounds by a cut the breadth of a thumb; twenty 
pounds, the breadth of the little finger; a single pound, the width of a 
swollen barleycorn; a shilling rather narrower; then a penny is marked by 
a single cut without removing any wood.

# Here is the formal title of a horrible person:
Prince Andrew:

Full name: Andrew Albert Christian Edward

Full title: His Royal Highness The Prince Andrew Albert Christian Edward, 
Duke of York, Earl of Inverness, Baron Killyleagh, Knight Companion of the 
Most Noble Order of the Garter, Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian 
Order, Canadian Forces Decoration, Aide-de-Camp to Her Majesty.

Here is the LP sleeve featuring an unfortunate application of purple:

And the setlist:

(FYI, his full title is nearly as long as the number of tracks)

# Is it possible to tally him?

Set a base price and build an exchange rate determined by logistics
costs for said item?

I could imagine Prince Andrew saying:
> Tally Ho!

With apologies to Miss Sarah Ferguson....

charliebrownau <charliebrownau at protonmailcom> writes:

> -----------------------------------------------------
> Funding :-
> Problem with "mainstream" and "ALT tech"
> they both rely on the International Central banking cartel
> with payment processors , paypal, tspring,etc
> Also with Goverment demanded handouts an USD$20 shirt
> often ends up AUD$35/NZ$35/CA$35
> (Remember its not theif when the goverment calls it 'taxation' / gst+vat 
/ income 'tax' /etc)
> Maybe help fund Master Server Hubs, District/national servers or
> invidual popular servers hosting various users that goes towards
>  VPS/cohost/server costs directly
> Instead of going via some huge payment process or banking cartel system
> I would avoid Cypto all together
> The only currency I trust is anonymous phsyical cash (coins/notes)
> ----------------------------------
> Side note if anyone is interested in alt currency check out
> - Community Currency
> - Local Currency
> - Agorism + Counter Economics
> ___________________
> Regards
> Charliebrownau
> Charliebrownau at protonmailcom

Jonathan McHugh
indieterminacy at librebrussels

Link to individual message.

The Gnuserland <gnuserland (a)>

Hi Charlie Brown (au)

I expressed better myself here:


I was thinking a way to get info quickly and easy to read, community 
based and decentralized as much as it can; however not all the people 
have or will have a capsule but if they want participate they need 
something where adding their preferences.

That's it!


The Gnuserland

Do we want more centralised "review" and "scores" sites
that end up getting abused, doxing people and lying about
customers or business's

What about creating a review in
- textual form
- photos
- turning that into a blog and pdf/gemfile
that can be downloaded
and on top video review hosted as MP4/WebM (XviD/X264/AV1)
on the gem server and or peertube instance

I like Lukesmiths Recipe site idea -
maybe something like that could get adapted to reviews
but as gemspace is for the entire world and not a single 
it might have to get sectioned off for areas/cities/nations, along with 
food types.

Link to individual message.


Previous Thread: [USER][IDEA] Gemini Database of Places and Restaurants

Next Thread: [users] kiln tutorial site