Chapter seven weas added to my book.
Is a book that is 8 - 9 chapters still considered a book? I don't know what else to fill it out with.
1 year ago · 👍 smokey, ew0k
I deff want to keep it around 25 - 26 chapters. Taking breaks is deff a good idea for idea building. I am gonna deff fill out the existing paragraphs more. I fill they are maybe lacking? · 1 year ago
Yes, it’s definitely a book 🙂 There are no rules around that kind of thing. The important thing is that it’s a complete work (i.e. a full story, in the case of a fiction book). Quite often books are rather too long. If you feel like there’s nothing more to add the put it away for a month. Then go back and read it again. And edit. Remember that it should be complete — but not more than that! Definitely add what you find is missing, but also remove anything superfluous. It doesn’t matter how long the book ends up being in the end. · 1 year ago