A Gemini to Markdown Filter

Jonathan Lane <jon (a) dorsal.tk>

After reading the Gemini specification and FAQ 2.9 (Why not Markdown?) I 
realized that it should be possible to use Gemini as a source format for 
Markdown to allow integration into multi-format publishing toolchains for 
the web, PDF generation, ebooks, etc.

Inside the attached tarball is an implementation of the filter, 
imaginatively called gmi2mkd, in gawk.  The other files in the tarball are 
copyright information (MIT, go nuts), a sample Gemini file to test the 
filter's functionality, and a sample shell script to illustrate its use in a pipeline.

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Emma Humphries <ech (a) emmah.net>

On Wed, Feb 10, 2021, at 15:14, Jonathan Lane wrote:

> Inside the attached tarball is an implementation of the filter, 
> imaginatively called gmi2mkd, in gawk.  The other files in the tarball 
> are copyright information (MIT, go nuts), a sample Gemini file to test 
> the filter's functionality, and a sample shell script to illustrate its 
> use in a pipeline.

Thank you, it's certainly a thing I have occasion to use!

-- Emma

Link to individual message.


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