Porting Gemini to EMACS GNUS

~vidak <vidak (a) riseup.net>


I hope you're all doing well.

I do a lot of my news and email reading in EMACS, using GNUS.

I did a little research, and I found out that GNUS supports subscribing
to RSS feeds natively. I also discovered that GNUS does not really
natively support atom feeds. In the EMACS Wiki, there are only
instructions to convert atom feeds into RSS with an external program.

I attempted to subscribe to a gemini atom feed inside GNUS, just to
attempt to push the envelope a little, and it was not possible.

I am curious: would anyone be able to give me a little guidance about
how I would go about modifying my GNUS so I could subscribe to gemini
atom feeds?

I have been doing quite a bit of study on EMACS LISP lately, so I think
I may be up to the task of doing this--I'm not asking for mentorship,
just perhaps some insights, suggestions, or warnings that anyone might


I think the benefits of being able to access gemini space from inside
GNUS would add an extra layer of dynamism to using gemini inside EMACS,
and would help push forward my nefarious agenda to perfect a LISP
operating system (:

Thanks in advance,


(gemini) gemini://tanelorn.city/~vidak
(http) https://bootlicker.party
(fediverse) https://awkward.company/vidak

Link to individual message.

Jason McBrayer <jmcbray (a) carcosa.net>

~vidak <vidak at riseup.net> writes:

> I attempted to subscribe to a gemini atom feed inside GNUS, just to
> attempt to push the envelope a little, and it was not possible.
> I am curious: would anyone be able to give me a little guidance about
> how I would go about modifying my GNUS so I could subscribe to gemini
> atom feeds?

My guess is that you have two separate problems to solve: fetching feeds
from Gemini rather than HTTP, and handling Atom feeds rather than RSS.

My general recommendation is that you make a copy of nnrss.el as
nnatom.el and start hacking on it until it handles atom feeds. You'll
probably have to also look at mm-url.el, because it has all of the URL
handling code for Gnus, and you'll either have to teach it about Gemini,
or teach nnatom.el to use a separate code path for handling Gemini urls
vs HTTP ones. The rest is just xml wrangling, I guess, and you can get
what you need from the Atom specification.

Jason McBrayer      | ?Strange is the night where black stars rise,
jmcbray at carcosa.net | and strange moons circle through the skies,
                    | but stranger still is lost Carcosa.?
                    | ? Robert W. Chambers,The King in Yellow

Link to individual message.

~vidak <vidak (a) riseup.net>

Thank you very much!

I really appreciate the awesome push in the right direction (:


Link to individual message.


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