Jonathan McHugh indieterminacy at
Tue Aug 31 18:06:39 BST 2021
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Thanks, am I to assume that he did the Def Con talks (he has a very generic name)?
====================Jonathan McHughindieterminacy at
August 31, 2021 4:48 PM, "Andrew Singleton" <singletona082 at> wrote:
I would suggest watching a few of Jason Scott's talks since he has a
more human element to his talks and less raw strict technical talking
points (which is why I find his talks interesting.)
Hi Andrew, I find the frontier of Gemini interesting in itself. Naturally, its worth emphasizing
heavily the core, offified concepts and expectations. With that, my normative opinion is that the
simplicity, terseness, and accessibility can provide a very interesting range of bespoke usecases
and activity - including cottage industries. The community is full of people who like using niche,
minimalist tools, as well as testing limitations. If I can go through some old posts for aposite
quotes then hopefully the (openminded) Software Freedom Day audience will make their own opinions.