This client is 52 lines long (68 if you count the lines in "displayonacme"), and as of now it's just a bare-bones client that doesn't do any sort of TOFU authentication or self-signing certs. There will be improvements made on it later (such as not opening duplicate windows for the same URL) but I'm very happy with the way it is now. The GitHub link is at the bottom, and there's probably a bug or two. I'm going to continue work on this so that it's top-notch. - Parker
You're my hero. I've been using a color-stripped AV-98 in a win pane. Thank you so much lmao, ~lel
On 12 Jun 2020, at 5:53 pm -0700, Parker Ellertson wrote: > This client is 52 lines long (68 if you count the lines in > "displayonacme"), and as of now it's just a bare-bones client that > doesn't do any sort of TOFU authentication or self-signing certs. > There will be improvements made on it later (such as not opening > duplicate windows for the same URL) but I'm very happy with the way it > is now. The GitHub link is at the bottom, and there's probably a bug > or two. I'm going to continue work on this so that it's top-notch. This is already an excellent start; thank you! I've been wanting an acme client for this right along, but have been too tired to just...sit down and do, again, thanks! Incidentally, if you do decide to rewrite in rc (as practice with it or whatever, given the comment in the script), $PLAN9/lib/acme.rc has convenience functions for a lot of the stuff in displayonacme. Cheers, Ivy
I didn't expect such an immediate response for this client. To lel, ivy, and who ever else might use this client: thank you! I just fixed a bug on the client, so it now handles relative paths correctly. The basic client is *finally* complete! ~ A pretty tipsy Parker