Split the spec into two

Felix Queißner <felix (a) masterq32.de>


It just came to me that the specification for gemini is actually two
specifications intermixed, making it hard to work on only one of the two

I propose to split the specification into either two documents or a
single document with a clear separation between text/gemini and the
gemini protocol.

This shouldn't change anything semantic-wise, but makes working with the
specifications easier as i don't have to skip-read over all text/gemini
stuff when writing the protocol implementation itself and vice-versa.

If that's already planned for one day: Cool, looking forward to that!
If not: Please consider to separate these two parts, even if they are
pretty close related

- xq

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defdefred <defdefred (a) protonmail.com>


??????? Original Message ???????
On Monday 25 May 2020 13:54, Felix Quei?ner <felix at masterq32.de> wrote:

> Hey!
> It just came to me that the specification for gemini is actually two
> specifications intermixed, making it hard to work on only one of the two
> components.
> I propose to split the specification into either two documents or a
> single document with a clear separation between text/gemini and the
> gemini protocol.
> This shouldn't change anything semantic-wise, but makes working with the
> specifications easier as i don't have to skip-read over all text/gemini
> stuff when writing the protocol implementation itself and vice-versa.
> If that's already planned for one day: Cool, looking forward to that!
> If not: Please consider to separate these two parts, even if they are
> pretty close related
> Regards
> -   xq

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solderpunk <solderpunk (a) SDF.ORG>

On Mon, May 25, 2020 at 01:54:55PM +0200, Felix Quei?ner wrote:
> I propose to split the specification into either two documents or a
> single document with a clear separation between text/gemini and the
> gemini protocol.

Yeah, this makes sense.  I hadn't really thought about it, but the
text/gemini spec is kind of smack bang in the middle of the other stuff.

I still think it's a good idea to have everything in one place, but some
rearrangement would not hurt.  I will try to do this tonight.


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Felix Queißner <felix (a) masterq32.de>

> Yeah, this makes sense.  I hadn't really thought about it, but the
> text/gemini spec is kind of smack bang in the middle of the other stuff.
Yeah, it's not always obvious when working a long time on some stuff.
All relevant information is there, but there is stuff added and removed
and one misses the bigger picture sometimes.

> I still think it's a good idea to have everything in one place, but some
> rearrangement would not hurt.  I will try to do this tonight.
Nice, thanks!

- xq

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solderpunk <solderpunk (a) SDF.ORG>

On Tue, May 26, 2020 at 10:12:26PM +0200, Felix Quei?ner wrote:
> > I still think it's a good idea to have everything in one place, but some
> > rearrangement would not hurt.  I will try to do this tonight.
> Nice, thanks!

I just made this change, moving the definition of text/gemini into its
own section at the end of the spec (but before the appendix listing all
status codes), so that all of the protocol stuff is contiguous.

While I was at it, I fixed the ridiculous section numbering scheme.
Literally everything was a subsection of a single top-level section!
Talk about nuts.  So most things that were 1.x.y.z became just x.y.z.
All the text/gemini stuff got moved to its own dedicated section 5, so
the deepest level of nesting is also now one level less than it was

This is a big overall improvement in readability and citeability.
Thanks a lot for suggesting it.


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Natalie Pendragon <natpen (a) natpen.net>

> This is a big overall improvement in readability and citeability.
> Thanks a lot for suggesting it.

This IS a big improvement!

A small additional idea - would you be open to hosting a `text/gemini`
version? I can definitely see the merit of the `text/plain` version,
for maximum ease of distribution, so maybe this is just asking for
trouble to host two versions, but I do feel at this point in Gemini,
most folks are probably consuming the Gemini spec in a Gemini browser,
within which readability would be substantially enhanced by even just
the addition of a bit of the usual client header line handling (would
you look at that, Gemini supports three levels of it, and now we only

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solderpunk <solderpunk (a) SDF.ORG>

On Tue, May 26, 2020 at 05:18:34PM -0400, Natalie Pendragon wrote:
> A small additional idea - would you be open to hosting a `text/gemini`
> version? I can definitely see the merit of the `text/plain` version,
> for maximum ease of distribution, so maybe this is just asking for
> trouble to host two versions, but I do feel at this point in Gemini,
> most folks are probably consuming the Gemini spec in a Gemini browser,
> within which readability would be substantially enhanced by even just
> the addition of a bit of the usual client header line handling (would
> you look at that, Gemini supports three levels of it, and now we only
> *have* three levels of it in the spec :).

Yes, I'd like to do this!  I've been meaning to write some quick little
scripts to convert text/gemini to text/plain (mostly just a matter of
wrapping to 80 columns) and to text/html, so I can move to maintaining
the spec, FAQ, etc. in text/gemini and automate the mirroring to Gopher
and HTTPS.  It will happen one day! :)


PS: Or has somebody already written these tools?

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