phosta-examples(7) "phosta" "phosta Examples" # NAME phosta-examples - collection of example calls with params for *phosta*(1) # SYNOPSIS *phosta* allows to configure automatic word replacement during the import of data. This allows to sanitize and unify ambigous naming used by different image processing tools. # EXAMPLES ## GATHER DATA - load data of files with the extensions jpg, jpeg and tiff in folder _~/Pictures_ to the database located in _~/Documents/stats.db_ ``` phosta -E jpg,jpeg,tiff -D ~/Documents/stats.db -p ~/Pictures ``` ## QUERY DATA - show image count by _model_ in 2019 grouped by month, sorted by newest month first ``` phosta -s model -g month -t 20190101-20191231 -o month,count ``` - show image count by _model_ for _make_ FUJIFILM grouped by year, ordered by year & count descending ``` phosta -s model -f maker=FUJIFILM -g year -o year,count ``` - show top 10 image count by _lens_ used the most ``` phosta -n 10 -s lens -o count ``` - show image count by camera models where the _maker_ field does not contain the term "ricoh" ``` phosta -s model -f maker!=ricoh ``` # SEE ALSO *phosta*(1), *phosta-alias*(5), *phosta-faq*(7) # AUTHORS Maintained by René Wagner .++ Project repo can be found at