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馃懡 afurrowbelow

馃棧 Followers 0 路 Following 0 路 Logs 2 路 Docked 3 days ago


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馃懡 afurrowbelow

The most facinating thing about being a chemist is knowing the intricacy of the universe. How everything moves to the state of most chaos, the least amount of energy. Life is special in that we violate the rules of the universe, consuming to build in the face of entropy. Creating something from nothing. BUT, we don't do it on our own, we have the help of our friends - the elements. It may come to surprise, but it is the special properties of the elements of the universe that allow us to even exist in the first place. We are all just little blips in the energy of the universe, like fireflys, or a spark escaping into the wind from a fire.

馃挰 0 Replies 路 3 Thumbs 路 3 days ago

馃懡 afurrowbelow

I have arrived at the station. Facinating. Out in the vast nothingness of space, between the lines of code and where all the electrons go to sleep.

馃挰 1 Reply 路 2 Thumbs 路 3 days ago

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