Jorge Sanz | 2019-07-17 | 351 words | update, work

This is, with just minor edits, the email I sent to the CARTO team as my farewell message


Hello everyone,

This is a farewell message. I decided it was my time to move on, my last day at CARTO will be next week Wednesday July 17. We have time for anyone who wants to have a chat before I leave, please don’t be a stranger and reach me anytime. You’ll have me always available at @xurxosanz[1].

1: https//

If you ever come to Valencia and you fancy, ping me and we’ll do some *arrós al forn* (best Valencian rice ever, much better than Paella) or *orxata* with *fartons*.

Now the bit longer thing.

Phew, first thoughts about CARTO come way before I joined the company, I actually became a client of a John Snow plan for a few months and I used CartoDB with Alberto Romeu and Pedro-Juan Ferrer (now both workmates here!) in different hackathon[2] and pet[3] projects[4]. CartoDB was, and it still is, a beautiful piece of technology for a cartographer.




I’m very grateful for the four years I’ve spent with you all, I’ve learned so much, we’ve done so much stuff together that I don’t know where to start. I’d like to say thanks to Jatorre first for thinking of me as a good solutions engineer back in 2015, to the whole Support Team because they’ve taught me what it means to care about each other, but especially about clients, even when they require quite a lot of patience; to Dani Carrión first, and then Christian for being the best managers I’ve ever have the honor to report to, and to the rest of the Solutions and Sales team for sharing so many discussions, and meetings, and learning about understanding our industry and our users.

I could write forever about many of you, but I’ll stop here, please keep rocking and allow me to be an ambassador* of your future successes because I'm sure our paths will keep intersecting.

Love you all!!<br/> Jorge


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