Sender: (Christian Lee Seibold)
Received on 2023-10-03 01:10:29
I have a new release out for my misfin-server, version 0.4. It adds the concept of a send permission to mailinglists to allow one to restrict who can write to a mailinglist. A newsletter, then, becomes just a mailinglist with designated writers as the only ones who can write to the mailinglist. There's also a new option on whether subs are auto-accepted, auto-rejected, or manually accepted (admins prompted on new subs) - but that last one hasn't been implemented quite yet.
I have started work on some news features and fixes, like handling redirects for mailinglist forwarding, and adding the ability to use pre-existing certs when setting up your server or mailboxes. These features should be out soon.
- Christian