The idea: publish my answers to questions that might be asked in screening interviews to save everyone's time.

What are your career goals?

I don't have a 'goal' or an end state that I'm working towards. I've found that software engineering is something I excel at and I feel home at; I'll likely continue writing code for a living.

In terms of aspirations: I have a finite amount of time until I am no longer able to work and I’d like to use the time in a good way, on something worthwhile. Worthwhile means that the work is something I love and can do well and is about a cause that I identify with.

What I hope to focus in the immediate future: help people, groups, and/or society with transformative growth; think better, gain broader views, act with compassion - as opposed to horizontal growth like optimization of a singular value.

What are you really good at professionally? What are your strengths?

Seeing and creating systems and structures; be it software, work process, or framework of thought

Thinking from first principles, asking penetrating questions; this might not be obvious as my voice is small. "Everyone's doing it is not enough reason" is my shtick

Going deep and staying with a problem until it's solved; read source code, trace system calls, and inspect packets

Autodidact; quickly get productive in a new tech stack as if I have prior experience

Written communication; excel at short-term and long-term asynchronous communication from answering questions to maintaining wikis and documentation

What are you not good at or not interested in doing professionally? What are your greatest weaknesses?

Speaking in a 'normal' cadence; I need time to think before responding and this may be a disadvantage when it comes to client-facing work.

Blogging or giving a conference talk hasn't been something I do proactively; recently started writing in a private space to build my muscle.

These may be more like a quirk and whether to consider these weaknesses may be subjective: