TLGS Statistics

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Pages and domains

The number of pages and domains known to TLGS at 2023-11-04 14:28:41. These figures are updated every 6Hrs or so.

  306449 : pages
    2363 : domains

By content type

The distribution of file types withing TLGS's index at 2023-11-04 14:28:41. These figures are updated every 6Hrs or so.

  238500 : text/gemini
   32752 : image/jpeg
   14794 : text/plain
   10240 : image/png
    2161 : application/octet-stream
    1026 : application/pdf
     998 : image/gif
     736 : application/zip
     606 : audio/mpeg
     603 : application/atom+xml
     587 : <gemini-request-info>
     519 : text/xml
     465 : text/html
     376 : text/markdown
     256 : audio/ogg
     233 : application/xml
     211 : image/webp
     200 : application/lagrange-fontpack+zip
     116 : image/svg+xml
     112 : video/mp4
      84 : application/epub+zip
      62 : application/pgp-signature
      59 : text/x-python
      57 : text/x-lilypond
      57 : application/gzip
      43 : audio/flac
      25 : text/x-rust
      25 : text/vtt
      24 : audio/midi
      22 : application/postscript
      21 : application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation
      21 : application/x-tar
      19 : video/webm
      17 : image/jpg
      16 : image/vnd.djvu
      15 : application/x-sh
      14 : application/json
      14 : text/css
      14 : text/csv
      14 : image/bmp
      13 : text/x-csrc
      13 : text/x-sh
      13 : application/pgp-keys
      13 : text/x-php
      13 : application/rss+xml
      12 : application/x-bzip2
      11 : <empty string>
      10 : application/x-compressed-tar
       9 : text/x-diff
       9 : application/vnd.lotus-organizer
       8 : video/quicktime
       8 : application/gpub+zip
       7 : application/
       7 : image/avif
       7 : video/ogg
       7 : audio/mid
       6 : text/x-c
       6 : application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text
       6 : application/vnd.exstream-package
       5 : text/x-shellscript
       5 : application/x-shellscript
       5 : font/ttf
       5 : application/x-lzh-compressed
       4 : application/font-sfnt
       4 : text/x-go
       4 : audio/wav
       4 : application/tar
       4 : audio/wave
       4 : image/x-ms-bmp
       4 : text/x-tex
       4 : application/x-mspublisher
       3 : application/x-xz
       3 : application/javascript
       3 : application/pgp-encrypted
       3 : application/x-gzip
       3 : audio/x-wav
       3 : text/x-tcl
       3 : image/jxl
       3 : text/tab-separated-values
       3 : message/rfc822
       3 : application/font-woff
       3 : text/org-mode
       3 : text/atom+xml
       3 : text/rss+xml
       2 : application/vnd.lotus-screencam
       2 : text/gembox
       2 : audio/mpegurl
       2 : application/x-nes-rom
       2 : application/
       2 : application
       2 : application/gpg-keys
       2 : application/vnd.rar
       2 : application/x-tcl
       2 : application/vnd.sun.xml.impress
       2 : application/x-perl
       2 : application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet
       2 : text/x-lisp
       2 : application/x-latex
       1 : text/org
       1 : 23-09-16T21:04:12.071001 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB
2023-09-16T21:04:12.074534 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed
2023-09-17T07:05:47.806722 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB
2023-09-17T07:05:47.810762 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed
2023-09-17T07:34:20.980995 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB
2023-09-17T07:34:20.984413 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed
2023-09-20T07:23:37.092470 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB
2023-09-20T07:23:37.099628 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed
2023-09-22T09:01:29.460897 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB
2023-09-22T09:01:29.467295 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed
2023-09-22T09:45:23.819632 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB
2023-09-22T09:45:23.826171 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed
2023-09-22T09:49:16.423414 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB
2023-09-22T09:49:16.427514 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed
2023-09-22T10:38:28.135025 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB
2023-09-22T10:38:28.139374 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed
2023-09-23T06:59:30.405288 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB
2023-09-23T06:59:30.410475 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed
2023-09-23T07:43:57.034251 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB
2023-09-23T07:43:57.040380 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed
2023-09-23T09:20:44.613691 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB
2023-09-23T09:20:44.620040 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed
2023-09-23T20:51:49.409299 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB
2023-09-23T20:51:49.512360 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed
2023-09-24T10:48:56.502612 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB
2023-09-24T10:48:56.509790 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed
2023-09-24T13:23:00.505821 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB
2023-09-24T13:23:00.506522 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed
2023-09-25T08:58:55.793297 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB
2023-09-25T08:58:55.797798 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed
2023-09-26T14:54:06.428262 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB
2023-09-26T14:54:06.433442 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed
2023-09-27T11:34:36.146773 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB
2023-09-27T11:34:36.156408 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed
2023-09-27T13:30:11.849212 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB
2023-09-27T13:30:11.853812 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed
2023-09-27T15:19:31.395944 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB
2023-09-27T15:19:31.401411 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed
2023-09-27T16:01:21.963674 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB
2023-09-27T16:01:21.967923 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed
2023-09-28T17:09:22.591073 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB
2023-09-28T17:09:22.592585 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed
2023-09-28T17:09:32.196496 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB
2023-09-28T17:09:32.196966 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed
2023-09-29T07:45:14.244140 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB
2023-09-29T07:45:14.248967 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed
2023-09-29T19:06:30.723591 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB
2023-09-29T19:06:30.728616 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed
2023-10-19T14:40:50.884952 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB
2023-10-19T14:40:50.892821 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed
       1 : application/gml+xml
       1 : application/java-archive
       1 : application/mbox
       1 : application/pkix-cert
       1 : application/
       1 : application/
       1 : application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
       1 : application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
       1 : application/x-compressed
       1 : application/x-lha
       1 : application/x-python-code
       1 : application/x-rar-compressed
       1 : application/x-sqlite3
       1 : application/x-tex
       1 : application/x-xpinstall
       1 : audio/sp-midi
       1 : audio/unknown\011e
       1 : audio/x-pn-realaudio
       1 : image/
       1 : image/x-3ds
       1 : image/x-photoshop
       1 : image/x-xcf
       1 : MIME
       1 : model/prc
       1 : multipart/related
       1 : text
       1 : text/rtf
       1 : text/x-awk
       1 : text/x-gemroff
       1 : text/x-haskell
       1 : text/x-pascal
       1 : text/x-patch
       1 : text/x-perl
       1 : text/x-toml
       1 : video/x-m4v
       1 : video/x-mng