It’s Fall

Chinese Language

Over the past few months, this what I’m the most excited about.

I’ve signed up for some Chinese language tutoring. I’ve actually had three sessions so far, but I haven’t even finished making my notes from the first session yet. That’s not to say I haven’t reviewed each class, I just haven’t finished turning the recordings into useful notes yet.

It’s been pretty amazing. It’s probably ruined me for ever taking a normal classroom style class ever again, and it’s been one of the most rewarding things I’ve done in a while. I wish I had done this years ago, but then I wouldn’t have been able to afford it, and maybe I wouldn’t have been getting the benefits from it that I’m getting now if I had done it sooner.

Anyway, my Chinese tutoring session notes will be tagged with tutor, and you can see some already exist. Possibly not useful to others, but these are very helpful for me, despite how slowly I’m adding them.

tutor tagged notes

What else I’ve been up to

It’s been a busy summer and I’m moving into a busy fall, there hasn’t been much time for leisure activity, so I haven’t had a chance to write many (public) notes.

I’ve been getting up somewhat early for the last few months. Except for today, I didn’t sleep well in the heat last night and didn’t take steps to mitigate the temperature effects until much too late. I still haven’t started my work day and I’m three+ hours past when I usually start that.

In getting up earlier, I start work right away so that I can finish earlier, but I haven’t found that this gives me any more time. The only advantage so far is that I’m less likely to be interrupted while I work. I have to sleep much earlier to support getting up earlier, and I still need to be reachable by co-workers after I finish my work day, but I plan to continue it anyway. Not getting interrupted by trivial things while I work is enough motivation for me.

On the topic of keto

I’m continuing to eat only meats. With the exception that a little over a week ago I went camping with family and had some carbohydrates near the end of the trip. I haven’t been able to get back into ketosis yet, despite it being over a week from a single cheat day! I haven’t felt as good as I did in previous weeks, so I bought a KetoMojo glucose/ketone meter and it confirmed that I have not been in Ketosis. Despite not being in ketosis, eating only meats is still keeping me pain free from inflammation even if I’m not getting the extra benefit of a happier and more even mood. I’ve been a little fatigued the whole time, too, despite getting enough sleep.

Oh, and decaf coffee and a magnesium supplement. I occasionally eat some eggs, but mostly I just drink water and eat beef. I listen to a lot of videos on nutrition and nutritional studies, but I haven’t made any notes on the topic. Mostly I’m disappointed in what I thought was healthy nutrition and what I’ve actually learned about cellular processes and it makes me sad that I didn’t read more on the topic when I was in elementary school, which is when I remember being taught about the food pyramid. But, better late than never, I guess.

My Element

About a year ago I sold my 2020 Jetta R-line back to the dealer so I wouldn’t have any more monthly car payments. I bought a 2005 Honda Element in cash. It saved me over 12 grand in car payments, I pay considerably less for insurance, and I enjoy it much more than I did the new car. I’ve just about reached the one year mark and other than some break work, I haven’t had to do anything to it, so that’s cool. The gas mileage isn’t quite as good, but I drive considerably less now.

I’ve been looking for creative ways to utilize the space inside, but not arrange things such that an accident would turn the contents into dangerous projectiles. I’ve found there are contact points all around the interior, so I shouldn’t have to drill any holes in the trim, but I haven’t made it much further than using bungee to secure some crates in the back for my camping gear.

With that goal in mind, to use it for camping, I’ve been doing small projects, like creating curtains and trying to make mosquito netting covers for the windows. The rear windows can be opened without the need for power, so it would be nice to have them open at night but not have to worry about mosquitoes. I’ve had mixed success with some screen and some powerful magnets, but I didn’t get the size quite right. I would say successful proof of concept, but I need to do better with my next prototypes. I may also be installing a latch to open the hatch and tailgate from within the vehicle, I don’t know why it’s so uncommon for vehicle to have a means of opening from inside.

On the topic of technology

If I could run NixOS on my Asahi Linux system, I would be doing that. It’s my new favorite distro, despite that it uses SystemD. Not really much to say, single-config-file driven configuration is awesome and trying out software without affecting the rest of the system is magical.

Maybe I can run it on my PinePhone…

On the topic of Pine

My PineTime smart watch is a brick. It freezes during boot displaying a logo I have never seen before. My PinePhone is still where I take all my notes, but instead of taking it with me, it sits on a shelf and I now have a dumb flip phone (KaiOS) that I use for phone calls when I’m out and about. I still ssh into my PinePhone to use it for text, email, chat, spreadsheets, etc. But I don’t do these activities when I’m out of the house, so I don’t bother bringing it with me.






updated: 2023-10-05 15:44:42 -0400

generated: 2023-10-05