The opinions bin

2023-10-25 A bunch of operational changes

2023-08-08 Please, don't do mandatory code reviews

2023-08-07 The Fediverse blockade

2023-08-07 Masters of the Universe

2023-07-29 On the new Microsoft antitrust probe

2023-07-27 Who need a CMS, anyway?

2023-07-27 About the Tarsnap outage

2023-03-20 Ken, they are boring

2023-03-15 The fediverse scalability

2023-03-10 Book: the checklist manifesto

2023-01-03 On blogging

2022-11-22 The fediverse is not mastodon

2022-10-18 Do not use copilot at work

2022-10-13 Software is devolving, and it is bad

2022-10-02 It works on my laptop!

2022-09-16 Uber got breached, again

2022-09-14 Rssgoemail 1.0.0

2022-09-08 Free tiers strikes again

2022-09-06 The cloudflare bullshit

2022-08-17 About feeds protocols

2022-08-13 zc and zc-portable final releases

2022-08-05 Poor, poor mantainers

2022-08-03 Architecture here, architecture there

2022-07-30 What it feels to write a parser with yacc

2022-07-30 Gemini on the WWW

2022-07-12 This is the science I love

2022-07-10 Introducing gmnxd(8)