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Hey there. My name is Ruslan and it's my capsule.
This is a copy of my blog from web:
find-grep-dired: Filter files based on content
Emacs + Semantra = Notes search
Weechat is a lightweight IRC client
Emacs has built-in thread macros
Org-mode archive with inherited tags
Doom Emacs Search Documentation
Doom Emacs - Turn LSP off by default for PHP files
Org Agenda - show archived records by default
Emacs 29 - Straight.el & Native compilation
Search for hash(#) sign using Emacs' consult-grep
Emacs. Change inner/outer like in Vim
Facebook webhooks won't accept Ngrok and Localtunnel anymore
MacOS Appearance Auto - theme isn't changing
Emacs ledger-mode with hledger
Use systemctl instead of service command
Vim Fugitive. :Glog - show a commit author
PHP: visual charset detection of a string
My Windows development environment setup
Laravel: get all routes and corresponding controllers/actions
Run multiple PostgreSQL instances on one machine
Youtube Hide opinion for Google Chrome
MacOS fix not stable WiFi (ping spikes)
VNC, MacOS, and frozen login screen
notify-send replacement for WSL
React Native. Turn off warnings
Tmux. Change default start directory
Vim, project specific settings
Ebay API and Platform Notifications
Frontend Developer interview. Help for interviewers (1)
Frontend Developer interview. Help for interviewers (2)
VMWare run/stop VM from command line
Custom icon for terminal application in gnome-shell
Disable CURL's globbing parser
Restart audio subsystem on Ubuntu
AwesomeWM change key repeat frequency
Projectile cleanup list of known projects (spacemacs)
Bash. Variables inside aliases
Docker volumes, WSL and Docker for Windows [memo]
SSH escape sequences or how to quit frozen SSH connection
Restclient (Postman for Emacs)
one Nginx, multiple sites, one SSL certificate
Docker parts and how it works on Windows and OSX
Setup TeamCity on Mac to work with Docker
Places you can find me at:
You can also find me in under name "krydos"