📃 💪yes ⅆot sam💪 on ベスフレ (11/4/2023, 3:02:29 PM)
📃 RSS Feeder (11/4/2023, 3:00:13 PM)
Volkswagen gigafactory v Česku nepostaví, vláda jedná s pěti investory https://ct24.ceskatelevize.cz/domaci/3625387-volkswagen-v-cesku-gigafactory-nepostavi
📃 Dostoevskij (11/4/2023, 3:02:30 PM)
Zwei mir neue Wörter: abkündigen + Proklamandum. Dazu eine Erinnerung:
📃 ラムド道師🐑 (11/4/2023, 3:02:19 PM)
📃 (՞ . .՞) (11/4/2023, 3:02:26 PM)
📃 Sheffield Wednesday :verified_business: 🤖 (11/4/2023, 3:01:50 PM)
1' We are underway!
📃 Milwaukee County Transit (11/4/2023, 3:00:37 PM)
Today's #MCTS bus stop of the day is #4833 on route 12!
The stop is on the NORTH-bound stretch of the Teutonia Avenue bus route. The stop is known as GREEN BAY + RUTH - DEERWOOD.
MCTS real-time information for #4833: http://realtime.ridemcts.com/bustime/wireless/html/eta.jsp?route=12&direction=NORTH&id=4833&showAllBusses=on
Navigate to #4833: https://www.google.com/maps/place/?q=43.174272,-87.961920000001
📃 RSS Feeder (11/4/2023, 3:00:13 PM)
Čínovský okruh proslavený rallye ustoupí obchvatu Klatov https://ct24.ceskatelevize.cz/regiony/3625547-cinovsky-okruh-proslaveny-rallye-ustoupi-obchvatu-klatov
📃 Persagen.com 🇨🇦 🏳️⚧️ ☮🏳️🌈 (11/4/2023, 3:02:29 PM)
🎵 Morning ☮-in
April Wine - Weeping Widow
From the great "Electric Jewels" album:
Namaste 🙏 🕊
#MorningPeaceIn #ClassicRock #Canadiana #AprilWine
📃 Robert Sanscartier (11/4/2023, 3:02:28 PM)
UAE says US should push for quick end to war, new strategy
Monitoring Desk
~1 minute
The diplomatic adviser to the United Arab Emirates president has said that the latest war in Gaza shows Israel’s policy of containment has failed and the US needs to push for a quick end to the conflict and a new strategy, or else be considered ineffective by the region
#MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate #UAE
📃 Kerri (11/4/2023, 3:02:23 PM)
Happy Saturday Mastodoners, and Happy #FediBookFair to all celebrating. Follow the hashtag to bring some new authors and stories into your life, and possibly make your credit card cry.
📃 fkinglag :nonbinary: (11/4/2023, 3:02:24 PM)
Nap :blobfoxcomfymelt:
📃 Calibos (11/4/2023, 3:02:24 PM)
Quant à la poésie bin faudrait définir ce que c'est, parce que c'est un peu facile de dire que c'est le propre de l'humain sans en avoir une définition commune et unique (idem pour l'intelligence, pourtant là, on n'a pas de mal à la mesurer ou la déceler chez d'autres animaux)? Bref, les posture arbtraires et essentialistes comme ça, ça me fatigue,
📃 RSS Feeder (11/4/2023, 3:00:13 PM)
V Krkonoších napadlo 15 centimetrů sněhu https://www.novinky.cz/clanek/domaci-v-krkonosich-napadlo-15-centimetru-snehu-40449587
📃 vmondv (amonda) (11/4/2023, 3:02:24 PM)
ohhhh hermanite estoy TAN CHATA DE TRADUCIR
📃 Marco :nonuke: (11/4/2023, 3:02:16 PM)
Prima di scrivere qualsiasi cosa sul conflitto tra Israele e Hamas, guardate il servizio di ieri sera di #FrancescaMannocchi su #propagandalive.
Da brividi.
📃 Harold Wu (11/4/2023, 3:00:31 PM)
闊別 20 個月的銀軸 HHKB 配置自組 GH60 鍵盤重返戰場!
📃 Wetter Bot (11/4/2023, 3:02:26 PM)
Weather report for #Erlangen, Germany as of 2023-11-04 16:00 CET
11.2°C, 58% humidity
wind 3.4 m/s (2 Bft) from SE
wind gusts 5.1 m/s (3 Bft) from SE
barometer: 987.3 mbar, ∆ -2.9 mbar
rain rate: 0.0 mm/hr, today 0.0 mm
- temperature: 3.0°C .. 12.4°C
- humidity: 55% .. 93%
- barometer: 987.0 mbar .. 997.5 mbar
sunrise: 07:08:27
sunset: 16:49:44
moon is at 57% — last quarter
moonrise: 22:00:31
moonset: 13:57:11
(indoors: 22.9°C, 36% humidity)
📃 Griz, Some Guy on Mastodon (11/4/2023, 3:02:26 PM)
Listening to Tom Merritt again on his "A word with" podcast, discussing among other things the rule of thumb that two quarters down means a recession. As he didn't say, it's a Rule of Thumb.
Much of online info is typed. If you just used your thumb, you might have left some things out, ya know?
📃 RSS Feeder (11/4/2023, 3:00:13 PM)
Kyjevský balet zahajuje novou sezonu. Z repertoárů zmizela díla ruských klasiků https://ct24.ceskatelevize.cz/svet/3625340-kyjevsky-balet-zahajuje-novou-sezonu-z-repertoaru-zmizela-dila-ruskych-klasiku
📃 今谷里奈 (11/4/2023, 3:02:25 PM)
😭 [0:02] 「次元の狭間オメガ:シグマ編3」の攻略を終了した。
📃 RSS Feeder (11/4/2023, 3:00:13 PM)
Volkswagen gigafactory v Česku nepostaví, vláda jedná s pěti investory https://ct24.ceskatelevize.cz/domaci/3625387-volkswagen-v-cesku-gigafactory-nepostavi
📃 RSS Feeder (11/4/2023, 3:00:13 PM)
Jsme téměř před branami Gazy, tvrdí izraelské velení. Armáda od úterý přišla o patnáct vojáků https://ct24.ceskatelevize.cz/svet/3625347-izraelska-armada-hlasi-dalsi-mrtve-vojaky-v-gaze-pry-nefunguji-telefony-a-internet
📃 Sidney Williams (11/4/2023, 3:02:26 PM)
You ever find yourself watching a streaming service with commercials, and you realize the break’s not going to be long enough to make it to the bathroom and back, so you wind up pausing a commercial?
📃 Juro (11/4/2023, 3:02:22 PM)
If machines couldn't replace #artists, they wouldn't be so afraid of being replaced
#art #aiart #ai #painting #drawing #dreaming #capitalism
📃 RSS Feeder (11/4/2023, 3:00:13 PM)
Američané s Ukrajinci tvoří FrankenSAM. Na sovětské systémy roubují západní rakety https://ct24.ceskatelevize.cz/specialy/rusko-ukrajinsky-konflikt/3624756-americane-s-ukrajinci-tvori-frankensam-na-sovetske
📃 耶树璃职子(失业率暂停发布中 (11/4/2023, 3:02:17 PM)
📃 :bing:odern Warrior (11/4/2023, 3:02:22 PM)
somebody buy me a 7-string guitar
📃 Crystal Palace F.C. 🤖 (11/4/2023, 3:01:43 PM)
We're underway 👊
Follow LIVE ⤵️
📃 RSS Feeder (11/4/2023, 3:00:13 PM)
Lesy ČR kácením poničily studánku v rezervaci Psí kuchyně. Dřevo ale podle podniku nelze odvézt https://ct24.ceskatelevize.cz/regiony/3625303-lesy-cr-kacenim-ponicily-studanku-v-rezervaci-psi-kuchyne-drevo-ale-podle-podniku
📃 RSS Feeder (11/4/2023, 3:00:13 PM)
Čínovský okruh proslavený rallye ustoupí obchvatu Klatov https://ct24.ceskatelevize.cz/regiony/3625547-cinovsky-okruh-proslaveny-rallye-ustoupi-obchvatu-klatov
📃 🍙Yonago🐟(検証•検品済み)※JKです (11/4/2023, 3:02:24 PM)
11/04 24:02
📃 matsuu (11/4/2023, 3:02:20 PM)
德国已吞捷克,貌似我可以拉他下水共同抗日了? #钢4
📃 Cvkvlv Beadwork (11/4/2023, 3:02:20 PM)
Firey Stripes Beaded Drop Earrings
New drop design made with delica beads and head pins. Get yours on my website:
Please message me with any questions or custom requests!
#Cvkvlv #CvkvlvBeadwork #Mvskoke #Native #Indigenous #NativeAmerican #Beadwork #Jewelry #Earrings #Handmade #IndigenousCreatives
📃 Doppelgrau :v_enby: (11/4/2023, 3:02:22 PM)
Has someone a good source of "beginner tutorials" (de/en) regarding hair styling?
Thought I might try styling my hair in other ways than straight ponytail (90% of the time) or simply open and brushed back (the other 10%).
But no real starting point where to start and what "tools" I might need that I currently don't own...
📃 RSS Feeder (11/4/2023, 3:00:13 PM)
Volkswagen gigafactory v Česku nepostaví, vláda jedná s pěti investory https://ct24.ceskatelevize.cz/domaci/3625387-volkswagen-v-cesku-gigafactory-nepostavi
📃 RSS Feeder (11/4/2023, 3:00:13 PM)
Číňanka zapomněla na brzdu a své auto už nedoběhla https://www.novinky.cz/clanek/koktejl-cinanka-zapomnela-na-brzdu-a-sve-auto-uz-nedobehla-40449525
📃 matsuu (11/4/2023, 3:02:21 PM)
Confusing git terminology
📃 thumper (11/4/2023, 3:02:12 PM)
Hopping on a quick zoom