EDMG259 - Autobiographical Introduction

Hello, everyone, my name is Jeremiah, and I am lousy at introductions; even more so these days—we’ll get to that shortly. I’m an early thirty-something from a small town in Kentucky that’s fairly reserved and relatively shy and quiet; my writing is about the only time that I speak at any length; most likely because I can do so without fear of embarrassment. My feelings and emotions are usually a great influence on my performance, especially with regard to writing—this will be very evident if we hit a topic that I have a strong opinion on.

I am married, but separated; I have no idea as to whether there will be any chance of reconciliation. I used to be able to write at great length about my family, which made introductions much easier; these days, however…

I had pledged my life to a wonderful woman just a few months my senior; we had been together for roughly nine years, married for eight, and had known each other since high school—I had first noticed her in my freshman year of high school when she stepped onto my bus for the first time (I believe we had even shared a seat on a couple of occasions). In 2003 our paths crossed once more with us finally declaring our love for another; in 2004 we were blessed with our first child, with two additional blessings coming later in 2006 and 2009. Our son—the first born—now resides with me in my parents’ finished attic; the girls are at home with her.

I still care for the kids when needs arise, primarily because the man that now shares her bed has no desire to be around children. I have no ill feelings about caring for the kids, other than it causes issue with attempting to locate employment, plus it is quite difficult to provide care when I am limited to the graces of my parents and am not allowed access to the girls’ primary home by order of the other man—except for alternating Saturdays and when he is left completely unaware.

I have been “affiliated” with the local EM since 2001 in a voluntary status; our agency has only one paid position—director—which has been occupied by my father since 2003. I’ve not been able to carry a “deputy” status since 2004 due to difficulty in keeping up with training requirements—my life at home as the primary caregiver and homemaker kept me too busy to travel around the state to attend classes. My primary functions with the agency are the maintenance of online social media avenues and general “gopher” and clerical duties when the need arises.

I really haven’t any concrete expectations for this course, though my father joked that he hopes I will be able to file mitigation grant applications and write a few proposals, lessening his workload.

If you are curious to discover more about me or the local EM, you can search the Internet for “kg4vma” or “harrisonema” and find quite a bit about me and the agency.

Best of luck to everyone here, and—sadly—don’t be surprised if I drop off; my life is still in a whirlwind related to the separation.

Tags: #American Public University, #APUS, #college, #EDMG259, #school

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EDMG259 – Autobiographical Introduction – J. Palmer

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