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馃憢 network engineer building an off-grid home and reconnecting with nature
馃實 earth
馃棧 Followers 13 路 Following 4 路 Logs 126 路 Docked 1 year ago
deleted twitter in favor of station now that i can use it from my phone
馃挰 0 Replies 路 4 Thumbs 路 1 year ago
Like this place (station) and the crowd. Now I am afraid I might loose my client cert. Is there a way to register a backup cert to the same username?
馃挰 3 Replies 路 1 Thumb 路 1 year ago
You can not find peace by avoiding life. But you can live a more peaceful life by avoiding certain things in life. For me, one of those things I needed less of was caffeine. I was addicted to it, drank enourmous amounts of coffee each day. Then I stopped, and my life became more peaceful. Better sleep, fewer highs and fewer lows, less scouting for the next shot and more relaxation in my breaks. Nowadays I drink coffee on rare occasions, e.g. when I unexpectedly have to drive at night. I needed less caffeine. What do you need less of? How could less enrich your life and peace?
馃挰 2 Replies 路 3 Thumbs 路 1 year ago
Another experiment in living with less: I have not worn my smart watch for almost a week now. It felt uncomfortable to not track my activites. Tracked or didn't happen! After a few days uncomfort turned into liberation. I don't need a tracker (anymore) to regularly be active. Freedom? Freedom! #allyouneedisless
馃挰 3 Replies 路 5 Thumbs 路 1 year ago
A friend inquired about my exercise routine and willpower. I replied: Every evening I put my gym clothes on my dresser, including a bottle of water and headphones and the apartment key. Everything that I need to leave immediately after getting up is there. I make it easy to do the right thing and to save my willpower. I don鈥檛 overload my future self but try to help him out. We tend to ask little of our present selfs and burden our future self.
馃挰 1 Reply 路 4 Thumbs 路 1 year ago
all you need is less