My aunt gave me this pretty neat old fold-out camera. Its Welta Perle Model 4.5脳6cm. A pre-WWII German made camera! Cleaned the lenes & shutter seems to be working good so I ordered 120mm film for it. Fun breaking out film stuffs. I love my DSLR's but like a lot of things sometimes the old way can be fun, too :D
1 month ago 路 馃憤 lykso, akatsukilevi, rwa, cobradile94, edanosborne
jealous! 路 1 month ago
Oh that's awesome! 30's cameras are almost works of art in themselves. I hope the bellows are in good shape! if it all works well that's going to be a lot of fun to shoot. 路 1 month ago
The kind of camera that gives you memorable photos. 路 1 month ago
what the heck, that's so cool. analog cameras have a totally different feel than digital ones, cause you can't just spam out a thousand pics. plus mandating physical photos is great. 路 1 month ago