I use Elaho on ios, and I'd like to browse station on it. It seems to have a place for certificates, but I have no idea how to get my macos/legrange certificates into the Elaho on my phone. I must be missing something, I'm still a gemini neophyte.
4 months ago
Using iOS Lagrange now. So far so good. 路 4 months ago
certs are *secret* and we want to avoid moving them between devices because that introduces vulnerability 路 4 months ago
@satch Got it. Yes, adding new certs is better. Still need to know how to do that in Elaho if possible. I saw how I can make certs using command line tools, but this doesn't work on iOS. 路 4 months ago
@satch Why is it not a good idea? 路 4 months ago
two things:
lagrange for iOS is on Tesflight: https://testflight.apple.com/join/UjdtSEhu
it's not a good idea to copy certs from your mac to your iphone. Instead, create a new certificate on your phone and add it to your station account using a temporary password. 路 4 months ago
If there is some other gemini client on iOS I should be using instead, I'm happy to try it out. 路 4 months ago