馃懡 defunct

Question: I am running Lagrange on my desktop. I use X509 certs to identify myself on station. On mobile I can only use Ariane since it supports certificates, but only PKCS12. Is there a way to use the same cert on both somehow, so I can access station?

2 years ago 路 馃憤 micklemeal


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6 Replies

馃懡 defunct

@comatoast there are a bunch. Ariane is for Android 路 2 years ago

馃懡 comatoast

Is there a mobile app for gemini? 路 2 years ago

馃懡 gnuserland

I used this guide to convert the certificate I did for Ariane to Lagrange:

https://wiki.cac.washington.edu/display/infra/Extracting+Certificate+and+Private+Key+Files+from+a+.pfx+File 路 2 years ago

馃懡 defunct

Managed to get it to work with openssl by first exporting the Lagrange pem and key into 2 files and then using those to build a p12 cert from it. 馃グ 路 2 years ago

馃懡 nristen

I have used the openssl commands similar to what is described at the site: https://quad0.com/convert-ssl-certificate-from-linux-to-windows/ 路 2 years ago

馃懡 warpengineer

I remember someone had a similar issue so I did a search for Ariane. I believe you should be able to repackage your cert in whatever format you need. here's the search: gemini://station.martinrue.com/search?ariane 路 2 years ago