馃懡 ser

I just wasted a morning trying to bend Hugo to my will, to generate a gemini site alongside my web site.

11 months ago 路 馃憤 astromech, scientiac, know


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9 Replies

馃懡 ser

@eaplmx smol.pub looks awesome. It has that Sourcehut feel that I'm really starting to appreciate. 路 10 months ago

馃懡 eaplmx

I use smol.pub and it's magic. HTTPS, Gemini and Gopher in a minimalist and nice interface... I got tired of mantaining static files in the previous Blog/Capsule. 路 11 months ago

馃懡 astromech

Someone needs to make a static site AND capsule generator 路 11 months ago

馃懡 ser

But for the moment, I'm sick of messing with hugo; this is not my idea of fun hacking. 路 11 months ago

馃懡 ser

The gemini part is an utter PITA. I think I'm going to have to run a second hugo just for the gemini and see if I can get it to create the site; the theme may be throwing it off. 路 11 months ago

馃懡 ser

I have to then manually convert from markdown to gmi; extract the publish date; edit the index.gmi; manually enter a new index entry for the blog entry (including constructing the URL and title); and then rsync the index and the blog gmi to the server. 路 11 months ago

馃懡 ser

For me, writing a blog entry is writing a Markdown and rsyncing it to my web server; hugo takes it from there, for the WWW side. The gemini side is where it get tedious. 路 11 months ago

馃懡 ser

This isn't gemini's fault, but I feel as if there's not enough focus on making it easy for content producers to _easily_ maintain parallel channels. Until there's a trivial mechanism for this, gemini is going to struggle with content. 路 11 months ago

馃懡 ser

I can't get Hugo to generate an index for the blog section, and really hate that it puts every md blog entry in its own subdirectory. 路 11 months ago