馃懡 koyu

I wish people would use Linux, IRC and Gemini a lot more

1 month ago 路 馃憤 edanosborne, prk, xoagray, ahappydeath, justyb, userfxnet, devyl, dasos, lykso, gemalaya, akatsukilevi


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7 Replies

馃懡 gemalaya

IRC cannot die, it's still very active

I think Gemini's community will continue to grow, it now has excellent sites to communicate with each other 路 1 month ago

馃懡 sebhoagie

I agree on Linux and IRC but appreciate the smallness of the Geminispace. I figure if we had more people/content here, very quickly someone(s) will try to monetize etc. and kill Gemini's spirit :) 路 1 month ago

馃懡 bavarianbarbarian

@koyu in earlier days i thought like you, but... i think linux, BSD etc.. should stay OSs for enthusiasts. if it becomes mainstream you get mainstream problems.. viruses, malware, people who don't know about what they're doing like windows users. like cars, when you're really into it, you know how to fix an engine, won't drive a mainstream car etc.. 路 1 month ago

馃懡 devyl

i would prefer MorphOS and Gemini + IRC x) 路 1 month ago

馃懡 xoagray

@userfxnet Garuda Linux on a Lenovo Ideapad Gaming 3. Also use it on my main gaming PC. I just really don't like where Microsoft is going. 路 1 month ago

馃懡 userfxnet

IRC seems to have a good bit of activity growin' back up, but I for sure hope more people get to Gemini and absolutely start using Unix/Linux in liu of Apple or MS. I'm on MX Linux over a Thinkpad I440 wb yall? 路 1 month ago

馃懡 xoagray

You and me both. 路 1 month ago