any tinylogs out there that are worth subscribing to that aren't on station or bacardi55s list?
I subscribe to these and aggregate them on my capsule with #gtl for easy reading.
6 months ago
@sirwilburthefirst gtl is a program that @bacardi55 created to stitch together tiny logs into a timeline like how you have here on station. it has a TUI or you can make it create gmi files for you, polling each at an interval set by a cron job.
there's no set way to let people know that you mentioned them but bacardi55 also defined Gemini Mention to let people know you mentioned them in a post. ยท 6 months ago
How do aggregators work exactly? Do they poll the logs for updates, RSS style, or is there some standard way to ping subscribers when a new post is added? ยท 6 months ago
what is #gtl? ยท 6 months ago