Devin Prater r.d.t.prater at
Fri Feb 26 14:29:31 GMT 2021
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Regarding changes to voices based on content type, screen readers don’t switch voices for poetry or anything, unless something like SSML is used. Even then, the screen reader must support sending the SSML directly to the speech synthesizer, and the speech synthesizer must support SSML. Otherwise, everything is plain text, with no variation on speech or anything besides normal clause pauses and such.= <> SSML
Devin Praterr.d.t.prater at
On Feb 25, 2021, at 11:31 PM, Sean Conner <sean at> wrote:
It was thus said that the Great John Cowan once stated:
On Thu, Feb 25, 2021 at 5:25 PM Sean Conner <sean at> wrote:
tag = '@art' / '@code' / '@data' / '@poem'
We now know what the benefit of @art is. What are the advantages of the
other three over no tag?
A client could style each type differently, even if just a subtle change
in background color. Or even different monospaced fonts depending upon
``` @code
x = 5
Shouldn't this be read as if it were "ex equals five"?
I didn't want to get too wild with the examples, but yes, that sounds fine
to me.
``` @art Obligatory Cat picture
Didn't want to bother trying to draw an ASCII cat.
``` @data Price list
widget 3.45
gadget 5.99
fob 1.99
Shouldn't this be read as "widget one ninety-nine (pause) gadget five
ninety-nine (pause) fob one ninety-nine"?
It could even be "Row one widget one ninety-nine (pause) row two gadget
five ninety-nine (pause) row three fob one ninety-nine" but I can see the
repeated "row x" could get tiresome.
How might a visual browser
render it differently?
How about alternating light and dark background for each row? I mean, it
doesn't have to be a jarring contrast like black background/white
background, but black background/dark grey background, just to help visually
separate the records.
``` @poem
There once was a person from Nantucket ...
How might a visual browser render this differently?
No idea on this one, but a screen reader, in theory, could switch voices
for reading poetry.
I don't expect this to be standardized any time soon in the spec, as the
spec for text/gemini is line oriented and less with parsing the data in each
line. But I can certainly see this as something clients slowly converge on,
much like gopher clients supporting selector types not specified in
And the spec does say, "MAY be interpreted ... "
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