馃懡 prk

It's somehow mainstream now, but I'm amazed Dwarf Fortress is finally releasing a "clean" game (still far from final). I've been waiting for 15 years!

9 months ago 路 馃憤 astroseneca, whou, smokey, scarlet_coconut, ttocsneb, mkb


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7 Replies

馃懡 prk

@mkb they have been able to subsist on donations for quite a long time ! They started working full time on DF circa 2008-2009 IIRC. You can check old monthly reports from the forum to get the exact date. 路 8 months ago

馃懡 mkb

I know, it's amazing! I remember first learning about DF back when the toady one first posted about it to rec.games.roguelike.announce (or maybe .development?) in like 2007 or something. It's great that they've been able to make a living from it. 路 8 months ago

馃懡 robert

Sometimes I look up tutorials on how to play Dward Fortress and everytime I get turned down because of the setup for it all 路 9 months ago

馃懡 prk

@smokey I"ve been playing on and off for 15 years, mostly stopped the first few 3D releases. Released the clowns from circus a couple times in 2D era, tried a few megaproject in 3D versions with visualizers and such (made a giant marble pyramid, lost my save while transforming it into an archology). Good ol' times :) 路 9 months ago

馃懡 smokey

@prk im not quite as old as some of the people who have been playing OG DF since the early 2000s but got into df around 2017 and have been in love with it for years none the less. Love kruggs videos (and lesser known mort strudel!) but no matter how hard I tried could never get into actually playing it. So far have put about 7 hours into the steam release (on a linux laptop with modest specs none-the-less) and it runs like a dream, far better than the LNPs. The UI is a GODSEND even if the muscle memory needs readjusted 路 9 months ago

馃懡 prk

@jscheel well, I have yet to check reviews but I do hope all of the internal UI mess (leading to messing tilepacks, etc.) got sorted out. I guess It won't be much trouble tunning it with proton on linux. 路 9 months ago

馃懡 jscheel

I'm just bummed that the new steam dwarf fortress is PC only 路 9 months ago