👽 danrl

defcon is coming up. i am excited! also i enjoy las vegas, despite not drinking or gambling. it’s my personal study ground for what happens when you overload people with opportunities to get their next dopamine hit. anyone else there from the gemini space?

hack the planet!

1 month ago · 👍 ruby_witch, five_over_four


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6 Replies

👽 whixr

@danrl I suppose it *is* a lifestyle in the most literal sense of the word, hmm. I have no leads on any good litature on the subject. I think I just like deeper satisfaction that comes from planning and execution over more surface level chemical rewards.

Each time it rains on the ranch, and the roof I built does not leak, I get rewarded again. Sure, the up front cost is higher but as I acomplish more and more goals ... I find my self surrounded by all these reminders that I've spent my time on actvity which pays back out over and over again. That is a nice feeling. · 1 month ago

👽 danrl

@acidus woah, multi time speaker at both? famous folks hanging out in gemini. cool! · 1 month ago

👽 acidus

Years ago I was in the security space and spoke at Blackhat and Defcon a few times, which was awesome. However spending more than about 3 days in Las Vegas is just draining 🙈 · 1 month ago

👽 danrl

@whixr forgot to tag you :) · 1 month ago

👽 danrl

absolutely, i think i left the dopamine treadmill only a few years ago. still need to this lifestyle. does it have a name? any books i can read about it? i read “dopamine nation” which was really good.

i’m also one of those handful of people who go to the hotel gym in vegas. but even there it is screens everywhere and loud music. in our house plans we fit in a small gym without speakers and screens but large windows facing the mountain view. for when you want to go for a run but steep mountain isn’t your favorite thing 🙃 · 1 month ago

👽 whixr

@danrl I'll not be there this year, but I was there for nine days for it a few years ago. I'd designed the electronic badge that year (which I do for various events around the country), and had to be there early to meet all of the inbound shipments.

I also do not drink or gamble, so I think I understand what you mean. Having nine days to people watch in that environment verified, for me anyway, that my life long habbit of opting out of the dopamine treadmill is going just fine :) · 1 month ago