Got back from a small gathering with friends: iom da ili fumis nefiltritajn cigaredojn kaj cigarojn. Mi ne 艥atas la odoron de fumo, tamen la diskuto interesi臐is.
8 months ago 路 馃憤 bavarianbarbarian
@eph it is really fascinating that you cat get a lot of the text as a german/latin speaker, there are so much terms you can guess. like odoro/smell or fumis/has something to do with smoke like fumare in italian. I should really take a look at esperanto, but i am still learning klingon so i can watch Star Trek without subtitles. Quaplah'! 路 8 months ago
@bavarianbarbarian, almost! I said that some of my friends smoked unfiltered cigaretts and cigars, and that I don't like the smell of smoke, but the conversation was interesting (enough to stay talking to them as they smoked) 路 8 months ago
ok, now it is getting complicated.... i have to guess... strange that people smoke in public, ugly smell, nice to talk with you? 路 8 months ago
Tio ankora怒 surprizas min pri germanio... ke homoj da怒re fumis en trinkejoj, kaj mi revenas hejmen kun la odoro en miaj vesta牡oj kaj flaras 臐in la tutan tagon poste. Hejme en britio, estas (dum sufi膲e longe) kontra怒le臐e fumi ene. 膱iuokaze, mi 臐ojas ke vi havis interesan babiladon kun ili! 路 8 months ago
ja, precize 馃槂 路 8 months ago
without speaking that language, knowing some languages from german to latin an french, you are talking about smoking cigarettes, orodoron de fumo, the smell of smoke, talking about smoking? 路 8 months ago