author: idx2
Visited Level 29 BBS and someone posted about - highly recommend telnetting into it and poking around; it's a lot of fun!
it's been over 435 days since discovering and using gemini (according to my astrobotany plant age!); it still brings me great joy in its simplicity 馃А
is there any e-mail like system on gemini yet?
Anyone got a link to a capsule that provides news, stock quotes, and local (US Zip code) weather? know of a few on gopher but gemini y'know?
is it just me, or does the idea of following someone on station feel like a much more intimate decision than other platforms?
Hello from my Z Fold 5! Just got it today; upgraded from my Z Flip 3. Looking forward to another two years of wonderful folding service! :3
What would it take to start a pubnix business? And, as most of them are free, what services and at what price points would make it worth paying a few ($10 and under) bucks a month?
Wonder if there's a program that uses wifi adapters to stream SID music straight to the C64 to play it live? does that exist?
Kinda fell into a rut of only checking station and astrobotany lately. What's new and what's hot in Geminispace?
hard lesson in certificate expiry learned. Thank heck my astrobotany plant doesn't care about that tbh!