philaeni's tinylog

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2023-09-23 Sat 20:21

Today marks the end of summer, a day I have been looking forward to since before it even began. Somewhat surprisingly, I have managed to spend the last three weeks *without* falling into my usual rut, at times even /feeling good about myself/.

I have been making a deliberate effort to think about my spending, trying to stick to a budget, to cook rather than eating an unhealthy amount of take-out, clean up after myself, walk more, and to generally do all those things that a thirty-year-old woman should be already doing. It goes, and hopefully it'll keep on going.

2023-09-06 Wed 17:02

Inspired by kelbot's post, I had a go at scraping Antenna's feed to create a Plucker database so I can read it offline on my Palm.

PDAs, Sony CLIÉ PEG-SL10 Impressions and Gemini Palm Script

I am using ploum's offpunk to get the actual data synced to a local cache, which seems better than downloading everything through gemget, and I somehow broke Plucker on my Palm TX (still works fine on the m125, though), but here's the script.

Like kelbot's, it relies on gmi2html.awk and PyPlucker. It does not need gemget, as it is replaced by offpunk, nor rewrite-gmi.

2023-09-04 Mon 12:55

2023-09-03 A large glass of depressed nostalgia

2023-08-10 Thu 13:12

2023-08-10 refer, groff, and dictfmt

2023-08-05 Sat 14:23

The second season of /Good Omens/ came out just last week. I got around to watching it, and while I liked the first episode, I am disappointed by how they wrapped it up.

Spoilers (episode 6)

The relationship drama, in general, feels cheap.

Spoilers (earlier episodes)

2023-08-02 Wed 15:26

Yesterday, I implemented a very simple stack-based VM (in C) and wrote an even simpler assembler (in Python) targeting it, driving myself crazy every time it broke (which might or might not have happened for something as trivial as writing jmp instead of jump in the source file).

This morning, I flitted from wtf (the script in the bsdgames package) to dict and dictfmt, first starting to write a personal dictionary, and then using an awful sed/fmt/cat pipeline to /hammer/ /dev/urandom's toki pona dictionary into something that can be understood by dictfmt.

/dev/urandom's toki pona dictionary

The conversion script

To be honest, I am not sure why.

2023-07-29 Sat 15:05

These pages are generated by a ~300 lines Awk script, which parses a single file in gemtext format (with my own extensions), creating interlinked gemtext or HTML files.

It can also shove everything into a single HTML file, toggling visibility of each section through pure CSS.

Single Page App with CSS - Codepen

I think I am proud of it.

2023-07-27 Thu 15:51