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[spec] Will Gemini ever become a standardized protocol?

Stephane Bortzmeyer stephane at sources.org

Thu Mar 25 08:56:05 GMT 2021

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On Wed, Mar 24, 2021 at 11:16:27PM +0100, almaember <almaember at disroot.org> wrote a message of 21 lines which said:

I understand that this is a very young protocol, but I wanted to post
this question anyway. Do you think Gemini will ever become a

There are vague plans to submit Gemini to the IETF and get a RFC. Asof now, it seems a very distant project. In the mean time, there iswork going on to get a proper specification, you can follow it at<https://gitlab.com/gemini-specification/>.

Even if not a standard published by a big organization like the ISO,

I certainly hope that closed organisations like ISO or IEEE won't beused.