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馃憢 Been floating around the sun for about half a century. I'm about as likely to be found tapping away at one of my typewriters as I am a computer keyboard. I love horror and sci-fi. I love animals, and used to volunteer at a facility that cared for wolves and used them for educational purposes. I've driven around most of the U.S. and a good chunk of Canada. I try to be generally friendly and open minded, and genearlly try to do what I can to make tomorrow better than today when I can.
馃實 Florida, United States.
馃棧 Followers 2 路 Following 2 路 Logs 11 路 Docked 2 months ago
I kidna' want to learn to play the Hurdy Gurdy. The only thing really stopping me is that even an inexpensive one comes in at just under $1000. That's a lot to spend on something I don't even know how to play. o.O
馃挰 8 Replies 路 5 Thumbs 路 2 weeks ago
Finally I think in the last stages of Covid-19. I honestly feel pretty lucky compared to some of the things I've seen friends and family go through, including unfortunately 2 deaths. We got off pretty lucky here, neither of us having much worse than bad cold / flu symptoms and only really being ill for about a week. While not 100% quite yet, we're both at the stage now where at most a DayQuil will keep any lingering symptoms at bay and we're able to go about our normal lives agian. Lesson learned, do not miss booster shots. Next time I get one I'm setting a reminder about it on my calender so I don't miss it again.
馃挰 1 Reply 路 2 Thumbs 路 4 weeks ago
Well, it finally happened. After like 3 years of avoiding it my boyfriend and I have both come down with Covid-19. So far it's not too bad, mostly flu like symptoms, Though last night I got the chills like I've never had before. I've been outside in -50掳F temps and not felt as cold. Fortunately that let up by morning. Still feel weak and achey, hopefully this doesn't get too nasty before it's over.
馃挰 6 Replies 路 0 Thumbs 路 1 month ago
I don't really consider myself a fountain pen collector, but I find myself gathering a small collection of them just in the process of trying different things. And just today I picked up a Jinhao No9019. I've never bought a Chinese pen before because most of the time they're knockoffs and the originals are just better. But with the No9019, Jinhao has done a lot more their own thing and the pen seems to be pretty decent quality. Is it on par with a Montblanc No149? I've never used one, but I can't imagine. It does punch above it's weight though for a $13 pen.
馃挰 5 Replies 路 0 Thumbs 路 1 month ago
I've been playing the Quake II remake and it's genuinely good. The enemies are a little smarter, and now duck. The graphical improvements look good, the game has accessability options now that are pretty cool for those that need them. Overall a really good experience.
馃挰 4 Replies 路 2 Thumbs 路 1 month ago
Just finished listening to the first season of the "City of the Rails" podcast. On the surface it's the story of a mother who's trying to find her daughter who runs off to live the train hopping hobo life. But it's also got some interesting looks into the railroad industry from the angles of the people that work in and with that world. Worth a listen if you've ever had a passing thought about hopping on a train, or know someone that has. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/city-of-the-rails/id1664440759
馃挰 2 Replies 路 4 Thumbs 路 1 month ago
Well that's interesting. I just found out after working on a post here that if I actually used up all the available characters, it just fails outright and says my post exceeded the allowed length. That was with the little character counter at 0. Not negative, just 0. I also noticed that hitting shift - return to do a paragraph is 3 characters instead of 1. Oh well, learning the little oddnesses of a new, (at least to me,) thing. LOL!
馃挰 5 Replies 路 1 Thumb 路 1 month ago
I finally figured out how to get this working in Amfora. Command line stuff in actual command lines, it's actually kind of neat to see an internet from this perspective.
馃挰 0 Replies 路 6 Thumbs 路 1 month ago
So Gemini being mostly text makes it great for use with screen reading software! I use "Speak Screen" on my iPhone / iPad a lot to have it just read the contents of pages to me. It's increadably handy! I've also mapped it to the back tap accessabiliity shortcut in iOS, so I just tap the back of my iPhone 3 times and it reads. If you're on iOS, and visually impaired, (or just like having your phone read to you while you've got your hands full with other stuff) give it a whirl. I'd love to find something that gave Lagrange this kind of functionality so it could read on PC as well.
馃挰 1 Reply 路 3 Thumbs 路 1 month ago
So Gemini, and Gopher are both pretty new to me, I had heard of Gopher in passing ages ago but never used it till recently and Gemini I've known about for less than a week. But I like this place; I like the feel of it, and I'm interested in exploring what I can do with it and what's out there from Gopher holes to Gemspace. I'm also already thinking about creating my own site and what I want to do with it. But I need to learn more about what I can do with it. Like what the limitations of Gopher and Gemini sites are, and to figure out which best fits with what I'm considering doing. Whatever else, it's always fun to dig into a new thing. :)
馃挰 1 Reply 路 5 Thumbs 路 1 month ago
Just found this place and decided to dip my toes in. Hi all. :)