2023-09-28 Vítor Guerreiro, "Filosofia da Música: Uma Antologia"

2023-09-28 Videos

2023-09-28 The Conversation, Mike Emslie, Daniela Ceccarelli, David Wachenfeld, "O engano do carro eléctrico explicado à minha avó"

2023-09-28 PÚBLICO, Vítor Barroso Afonso, "O engano do carro eléctrico explicado à minha avó"

2023-09-28 Books list

2023-09-27 WILDER, Jéssica Teixeira, "Madeira: corveta Afonso Cerqueira, o refúgio submerso"

2023-09-27 WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Prémio Bird Photographer of the Year vai para imagem de falcão-peregrino a atacar pelicano"

2023-09-27 WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Peritos alertam que há mais de 3500 espécies exóticas invasoras nocivas no mundo"

2023-09-27 WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Mexilhões de água doce portugueses estão em perigo crítico"

2023-09-27 WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Lixo que águias-pesqueiras usam nos seus ninhos põe em perigo a sua sobrevivência"

2023-09-27 WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Joaquim Tapisso, de olho nos musaranhos, os mamíferos mais primitivos que existem"

2023-09-27 WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Europa tem 2.138 espécies de abelhas selvagens, revela nova lista"

2023-09-27 WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Esponjas marinhas revelam variedade de peixes que vivem no Atlântico norte e no Ártico"

2023-09-27 WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Davina Falcão criou o Cobras de Portugal porque estava “demasiado frustrada com a maneira como as pessoas lidavam com as serpentes”"

2023-09-27 WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Crias dos dois únicos casais de abutre-preto do Douro Internacional já saíram do ninho"

2023-09-27 WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Cobras e víboras: Saiba o que estão a fazer agora e como distinguir espécies perigosas das inofensivas"

2023-09-27 WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Bruxelas insta autoridades locais a recolherem dados para rever conservação do lobo na Europa"

2023-09-27 WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Associações de ambiente enviam queixa a Bruxelas contestando o abate de pombo-da-madeira"

2023-09-27 WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Abelhas do tempo dos faraós encontradas mumificadas na Costa Sudoeste"

2023-09-27 WILDER, Gonçalo Elias, "Aves do mês: o que ver em Setembro"

2023-09-27 WILDER, Carine Azevedo, "Como ter um jardim resiliente? Opte por um xerojardim"

2023-09-27 The Conversation, Vrinda Narain, "The Taliban’s war on women in Afghanistan must be formally recognized as gender apartheid"

2023-09-27 The Conversation, Evodius Waziri Rutta, "Conflict between humans and wildlife in Tanzania is being poorly managed – and climate change is making things worse"

2023-09-27 The Conversation, Brent C. Ruby, "Yellow jerseys of the fireline: A day fighting wildfires can require as much endurance as riding the Tour de France"

2023-09-27 "Not Related!"

2023-09-25 Rosa Lobato de Faria, "O Pranto de Lúcifer"

2023-09-23 Cinema list

2023-09-22 Petri nets

2023-09-20 ZXing (C++)

2023-09-20 Publishers Weekly, Rachel Deahl, "Is Publishing Too Top-Heavy?"

2023-09-19 Townsends, "Sailor Rations in the 18th Century - Burgoo"

2023-09-19 Simplify Gardening, "I Grew 450 lbs Of Potatoes, The Lazy Way. Never Dig Again!"

2023-09-19 Self Sufficient Me, "6 TOP Crops to Grow at Home to Save You From STARVING"

2023-09-19 Johnny Harris, "How The U.S. Ruined Bread"

2023-09-18 Townsends, "The Poor Man's Bread"

2023-09-18 Townsends, "The Most Important Job In The World - The Baker"

2023-09-18 Townsends, "Food That Time Forgot: Ships Biscuits"

2023-09-18 Fandabi Dozi, "Survival Rations Inspired by History - Just 3 a day will keep you full of energy!"

2023-09-15 Techstuffs

2023-09-14 Wolfgang Reisig, "Understanding Petri Nets"

2023-09-14 Jörgen Brandt, Wolfgang Reisig, "Modeling Erlang Processes as Petri Nets"

2023-09-14 exurb1a, "Absurdism | How to Party at the End of Meaning ☄️"

2023-09-14 David J. Gunkel, "Deconstruction"

2023-09-13 The Conversation, Noam Peleg, "Climate change threatens the rights of children. The UN just outlined the obligations states have to protect them"

2023-09-13 The Conversation, Nicole Boivin, Barbara Huber, "What would an ancient Egyptian corpse have smelled like? Pine, balsam and bitumen – if you were nobility"

2023-09-13 The Conversation, Janneke Blijlevens, Angel Zhong, Lauren Gurrieri, "#GirlMaths: a seemingly innocent and fun way to justify expenses that can have serious financial consequences"

2023-09-13 The Conversation, Danica Jenkins, "How Russian history and the concept of ‘smuta’ (turmoil) sheds light on Putin and Prigozhin – and the dangers of dissent"

2023-09-13 The Conversation, Audrey Mat, "Biological clocks: how does our body know that time goes by?"

2023-09-13 Jörgen Brandt, "Beyond state machines: services as petri nets"

2023-09-13 Henry David Thoreau, "Walden"

2023-09-13 Anonymous, "Desert"

2023-09-10 The New York Times, Juliette Guéron-Gabrielle, "Paris Becomes the First European Capital to Ban Rented Electric Scooters"

2023-09-10 "Abbie Hoffman on Yippie Tactics"

2023-09-08 FrOSCon 2013, Andy Bennett, "Building knodium.com with Scheme"

2023-09-06 Albert Camus, "The Fall"

2023-09-01 The Conversation, Ryan W. Allen, Stephanie Cleland, "Wildfire smoke is an increasing threat to Canadians’ health"

2023-09-01 The Conversation, Melissa Starling, "An expert’s top 5 reasons why dogs can be considered exceptional animals"

2023-09-01 The Conversation, Gary Osmond, Rebecca Olive, "Olympic swimming in the Seine highlights efforts to clean up city rivers worldwide"

2023-09-01 The Conversation, Christos Ntanos, "Setting the stage for a better understanding of complex brain disorders"

2023-08-31 The Conversation, Mariel Borowitz, "India’s Chandrayaan-3 landed on the south pole of the Moon − a space policy expert explains what this means for India and the global race to the Moon"

2023-08-31 Fyodor Dostoevsky, "Notes from Underground"

2023-08-30 The Conversation, Samuel Cornell, Amy Peden, "Trampling plants, damaging rock art, risking your life: taking selfies in nature has a cost"

2023-08-30 The Conversation, Rebecca Ellis, Jamie Bernthal-Hooker, "Is Hercule Poirot autistic? Here are seven clues that he might be"

2023-08-30 The Conversation, Matthew Gilmour, "The sniff test is not reliable for food safety – here’s why"

2023-08-30 The Conversation, Lluís Montoliu, "Scientists find the last remnants of the human genome that were missing in the Y chromosome"

2023-08-30 The Conversation, Lizzie Seal, "Lucy Letby: it is not being ‘beige’, ‘average’ or ‘normal’ that makes her crimes so hard to understand"

2023-08-30 The Conversation, Jennifer Wood, "Why an EU document mentioning the ‘Islas Malvinas/Falkland Islands’ is a big deal"

2023-08-30 ThatGeoGuy, "1M metres later - Replacing my car with an e-bike"

2023-08-30 NL Times, "Dutch residents will have to ditch their cars for sustainable transport system"

2023-08-29 WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Cinco espectáculos da natureza para ver no final do Verão"

2023-08-29 toki pona (natural language)

2023-08-29 The Conversation, Sarah Parsons, "How gender inequality is hindering Japan’s economic growth"

2023-08-29 The Conversation, Rónán Kennedy, "Trees, rivers and mountains are gaining legal status – but it’s not been a quick fix for environmental problems"

2023-08-29 The Conversation, Pierre Bréchon, "Are Europeans really democrats?"

2023-08-29 The Conversation, Panos Athanasopoulos, "Why bilinguals may have a memory advantage – new research"

2023-08-29 The Conversation, Nicholas R. Longrich, "Mass extinctions made life on Earth more diverse – and might again"

2023-08-29 The Conversation, Morten Fibieger Byskov, Jeroen Hopster, Júlia Isern Bennassar, "A new climate law in the Balearic Islands will protect the wellbeing of present and future generations - if such thing can be defined"

2023-08-29 The Conversation, Mårten Schultz, "Understanding why burning the Qur’an isn’t illegal in Sweden means looking at the country’s long-held commitment to freedom of expression"

2023-08-29 The Conversation, Manuel García Ortiz, Luis Arroyo Jiménez, "Why we need to set limits on sperm donation"

2023-08-29 The Conversation, Jorge Heine, "Prospect of Kenyan troops in Haiti has sparked concerns – but may also prompt soul-searching across the Americas over lack of action"

2023-08-29 The Conversation, Jenny Graves, "Did sex drive mammal evolution? How one species can become two"

2023-08-29 The Conversation, Ester Lázaro Lázaro, "How extraterrestrial tales of aliens gain traction"

2023-08-29 The Conversation, Dave Sayers, "Protecting endangered languages feels right, but does it really help people?"

2023-08-29 The Conversation, Anna Molas, "Spain is the egg donation capital of Europe – here’s what it’s like to be a donor"

2023-08-28 Sabine Hossenfelder, "Is being trans a social fad among teenagers?"

2023-08-28 Sabine Hossenfelder, "Do your own research. But do it right."

2023-08-26 Olly Richards, "How U.S. Military Linguists Learn Languages Fast"

2023-08-24 The Conversation, Jannsen Santana, "Paris Olympics: with 365 days to go, will this mega-event clinch a sustainability gold medal?"

2023-08-22 The Wildlife Trusts, "UK government allows ‘emergency’ use of banned bee-harming pesticide just days after EU tightens protections"

2023-08-22 The Conversation, Stephen Ashworth, "Summer holiday science: three experiments to try with kids at home"

2023-08-22 The Conversation, Pär Halje, "How consciousness may rely on brain cells acting collectively – new psychedelics research on rats"

2023-08-22 The Conversation, Esther Kettel, "Europe’s wild bird species are on the brink – but there are ways to bring them back"

2023-08-22 nothing interesting wiki

2023-08-21 WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Ratinho-ruivo aprende a identificar novos alimentos através do hálito de outros ratinhos"

2023-08-21 WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Acordo que regula comércio mundial deixa de fora 904 espécies em risco, alertam cientistas"

2023-08-21 The Conversation, Laurie Mintz, "The orgasm gap and why women climax less than men"

2023-08-21 The Conversation, James Dyke, Robert Watson, Wolfgang Knorr, "Climate scientists: concept of net zero is a dangerous trap"

2023-08-20 LOW-TECH MAGAZINE, Kris De Decker, "Too Much Combustion, Too Little Fire"

2023-08-20 LOW-TECH MAGAZINE, Kris De Decker, Marie Verdeil, "How to Build a Practical Household Bike Generator"

2023-08-20 LOW-TECH MAGAZINE, Kris De Decker, "How to Build a Low-tech Solar Panel?"

2023-08-14 Matt Amys, "Why Formula 1 Cars Take Hours To Start"

2023-08-14 Engineering Explained, "Why Are 2026 Formula 1 Engines Going To Lose So Much Power?"

2023-08-14 Engineering Explained, "Toyota Developed A Liquid Hydrogen Combustion Engine!"

2023-08-14 Engineering Explained, "Mazda Brought Back The Rotary Engine!"

2023-08-14 Engineering Explained, "How Tiny Formula 1 Engines Make 1000 HP!"

2023-08-14 Engineering Explained, "How Koenigsegg's Tiny Engine Makes 600 Horsepower - Only 3 Cylinders!"

2023-08-14 Engineering Explained, "Everything You Need To Know About Electric Car Tires"

2023-08-14 Ecology

2023-08-14 driving 4 answers, "Spain is Living in 2050? Revolutionary 1 Stroke INNengine Analyzed"

2023-08-14 Driver61, "The INSANE H16 Formula 1 Engine!"

2023-08-14 Driver61, "Adrian Newey's Formula 1 Design SECRETS"

2023-08-14 AngeTheGreat, "Simulating an F1 V12, cross-plane and flat-plane V8s, unequal length headers and more"

2023-08-11 Open Data in Portugal

2023-08-08 WILDER, Pedro Anastácio, "Lagostim-sinal: Um invasor que chegou a Portugal pelo Norte"

2023-08-08 WILDER, Paulo Catry, "Crónicas naturais: salta-pocinhas"

2023-08-08 Alpine Linux

2023-07-31 Water

2023-07-31 Chemestry

2023-07-31 Biology

2023-07-29 Thunderf00t, "Can a new fuel solve climate change?"

2023-07-29 Sabrine Hossenfelder, "Greenwashing: How to spot and avoid it"

2023-07-29 biointeractive, "Some Animals Are More Equal than Others: Keystone Species and Trophic Cascades"

2023-07-28 Thermodynamics

2023-07-28 Atoms

2023-07-28 Acids, bases and pH

2023-07-27 Philippe Delgleize, Joëlle Heuze, Lécio Leal, Diana Miranda, "Emilia Bellon, Jean-pierre Husquinet -- Devastação/Ravages"

2023-07-27 Duarte Mendes, Carla Maia, Eduardo Gonçalves, Paulo Alves, Duarte Silva, "nove passos"

2023-07-27 António Jorge Ferreira Vaz, Débora Ferreira, Eduarda Luso, Sílvia Fernandes, "Manual BIOURB - Manual para a conservação e reabilitação da diversidade bioconstrutiva"

2023-06-18 PBS Space Time, "Why Did Quantum Entanglement Win the Nobel Prize in Physics?"

2023-06-12 "Vidas Proibidas - Ballet Rose"

2023-06-12 Erlang (programming language)

2023-06-01 Project Kamp, "Everything we built living off the grid"

2023-05-24 Factor (programming language)

2023-05-23 Raphael Treza, "Borneo Death Blow"

2023-05-21 Dahomey Amazons

2023-05-20 Planet Doc, "The Men of Fifth World"

2023-05-20 National Geographic, "Forever Wild: Live Free or Die"

2023-05-19 Green Savers, "Verdade ou mito: 5 preconceitos esclarecidos sobre a reciclagem"

2023-05-16 Large Scale Distributed Systems

2023-05-16 Fred Hebert, "Erlang's Tail Recursion is Not a Silver Bullet"

2023-05-16 Cooperative pulling

2023-05-15 Fault Tolerance

2023-05-15 C (programming language)

2023-05-14 "Unveiling Masculinity: Women Talk All Things Men, From Their Style to Their Sexuality"

2023-05-14 Sasa Juric, "The Soul of Erlang and Elixir"

2023-05-14 "Konnakol Duet: V Shivapriya & BR Somashekar Jois"

2023-05-14 Joe Fikifiki, "When your Heroes are Villains..."

2023-05-14 Joe Fikifiki, "Songs that Have Disturbed Me: Frankie Teardrop"

2023-05-14 Interaction nets

2023-05-14 Greta Thunberg, "School strike for climate - save the world by changing the rules"

2023-05-14 Fabien Sanglard, "The Polygons of Another World"

2023-05-14 "Explaining Meshuggah using KONNAKOL (Stengah)"

2023-05-14 Concatenative programming

2023-05-14 Boundo, "Fascism in Black Metal and How to Spot It"

2023-05-14 Al Jazeera, "Prominent Sudanese singer Shaden Gardood killed in crossfire"

2023-05-14 Agostinho da Silva

2023-05-14 Aditya Chaturvedi, "Open Data Access Bedrock of Sustainability"

2023-05-12 Matt Taibbi, "Report on the Censorship-Industrial Complex: The Top 50 Organizations to Know"

2023-05-12 Ana F. Palma, "Plástico: Não conseguimos viver sem ele, mas assim também não dá. A relação controversa do mundo com este material numa exposição no MAAT"

2023-05-11 Computerphile, "GPT3: An Even Bigger Language Model"

2023-05-11 Computerphile, "Ch(e)at GPT?"

2023-05-11 Computerphile, "ChatGPT with Rob Miles"

2023-05-11 Computerphile, "Bing Chat Behaving Badly"

2023-05-11 Computerphile, "AI Language Models & Transformers"

2023-05-11 Andrew Ayer, "It's Now Possible To Sign Arbitrary Data With Your SSH Keys"

2023-05-10 Seirdy, "Nuanced views"

2023-05-10 Nikki van der Gaag, "Why feminism needs men - and men need feminism"

2023-05-10 John Romer, "Ancient Lives"

2023-05-10 Geoffrey Hinton on the AI existential threat

2023-05-10 Elma Akob, "The Dangers of Western Feminism to African Women"

2023-05-10 Devan Carpenter, "Knocking Down the Nest"

2023-05-10 Cassie Jaye, "MEETING THE ENEMY A feminist comes to terms with the Men's Rights movement"

2023-05-10 Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, "Who Am I?"

2023-05-10 Beau of the Fifth Column, "Let's talk about toxic masculinity and men's movements...."

2023-05-09 "V-USB on an ATmega328! - V-USB and HID Explained"

2023-05-09 RISC-V

2023-05-09 "Add USB To Your Electronics Projects! - The USB Protocol Explained"

2023-05-08 SBC server

2023-05-07 Blaine Cook, "The Name Name Service"

2023-05-05 Forth (programming language)

2023-05-05 David Justice, "Explorations into Decentralized Publishing"

2023-05-05 ChibiAkumas, "RISC-V Assembly Programming"

2023-05-04 "You Can Learn RISC-V Assembly in 10 Minutes | Getting Started RISC-V Assembly on Linux Tutorial"

2023-05-04 "Assembly Language Programming with ARM – Full Tutorial for Beginners"

2023-05-03 "To Save C, We Must Save ABI"

2023-05-03 "C Isn't A Programming Language Anymore"

2023-05-03 "An honest discussion with organic maps developers"

2023-04-24 "Greece train crash: at least 40 killed and dozens injured in collision"

2023-04-24 "Greece: This was no accident"

2023-04-24 Gerald Jay Sussman, "Programming is (should be) fun!"

2023-04-23 "Dia da Terra: O Planeta está a ficar diferente"

2023-04-23 "Como é que os animais se lavam?"

2023-04-23 "Animal Sex Determination Is Weirder Than You Think"

2023-03-21 Mark Graham, Martin Dittus, "Geographies of Digital Exclusion: Data and Inequality"

2023-03-21 Distributed Systems Paradigms

2023-03-14 Richard P. Brent, Paul Zimmermann, "Modern Computer Arithmetic"

2023-03-13 Raft

2023-03-13 Leslie Lamport

2023-03-13 Diego Ongaro, John Ousterhout, "In Search of an Understandable Consensus Algorithm"

2023-03-12 Nils M Holm

2023-03-12 Logical Programming

2023-03-12 Friedemann Mattern, "Virtual Time and Global States of Distributed Systems"

2023-03-04 Transitive reduction

2023-03-04 Sovereignty

2023-03-04 Police

2023-03-04 Paulo Sérgio Almeida, Carlos Baquero, Victor Fonte, "Interval Tree Clocks"

2023-02-28 "Why are we talking so much about privacy?"

2023-02-28 Tom Preston-Werner, "The Git Parable"

2023-02-28 Static Scheme

2023-02-28 "Speculation in JavaScriptCore"

2023-02-28 Soufflé

2023-02-28 Scheme (programming language)

2023-02-28 "QR Code development story"

2023-02-28 Public transport

2023-02-28 Petar Maymounkov, David Mazières, "Kademlia: A Peer-to-peer Information System Based on the XOR Metric"

2023-02-28 Michael J. Freedman, Eric Freudenthal, David Mazières, "Democratizing content publication with Coral"

2023-02-28 Matt Parker, "Talks at Google: The Greatest Maths Mistakes"

2023-02-28 John Nelson, "Put a north arrow on it?"

2023-02-28 Johan Herland, "The Git Parable"

2023-02-28 Jochen Topf, "Modding the OSM Data Model"

2023-02-28 IPFS

2023-02-28 Ion Stoica, Robert Morris, David Karger, M. Frans Kaashoek, Hari Balakrishnan, "Chord: A Scalable Peer-to-peer Lookup Service for Internet Applications"

2023-02-28 Ingmar Baumgart, Sebastian Mies, "S/Kademlia: A Practicable Approach Towards Secure Key-Based Routing"

2023-02-28 Ilya Zverev, "Broken Promises and Technical Difficulties"

2023-02-28 Hanya Yanagihara

2023-02-28 Farhad Manjoo, "I've Seen a Future Without Cars, and It's Amazing"

2023-02-28 exurb1a

2023-02-28 "Ever wondered how a QR code works?"

2023-02-28 EPCOT

2023-02-28 emi, "Visual Programming: What Went Wrong and Is There Room For Improvement?"

2023-02-28 "Don't Hex the Water"

2023-02-28 Distributed Hash Table

2023-02-28 CHICKEN Scheme

2023-02-28 Carfree Movement

2023-02-28 Carfree Cities

2023-02-28 "Building the fastest Lua interpreter.. automatically!"

2023-02-28 Aileen Buckley, "Does every map need a north arrow and scale bar?"

2023-02-26 Jerome Klapka Jerome

2023-02-26 Jerome Klapka Jerome, "The Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow"

2023-02-21 State of the Map 2022

2023-02-21 Rüdiger Klaehn, "A new approach to IPFS pinning and caching"

2023-02-21 Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau, Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau, "Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces"

2023-02-21 Martin Karlsson, "Visual graph tools for weaving together data to coordinate decentralized research"

2023-02-21 Joel Chan, "Discourse Graphs for Augmented Knowledge Synthesis: What and Why"

2023-02-21 Interval Tree Clocks

2023-02-21 Gala Camacho, Simona Ciocoiu, "None: a story of data that isn't there"

2023-02-21 Beau of the Fifth Column

2023-02-21 Anne Lee Steele, "Mapping crises, communities and capitalism on OpenStreetMap: situating humanitarian mapping in the (open source) mapping supply chain"

2023-02-16 Albert Camus

2023-02-16 Albert Camus, "The Plague"

2023-02-14 Logical clock

2023-02-14 Leslie Lamport, "Time, Clocks, and the Ordering of Events in a Distributed System"

2023-02-13 "Size Optimization Tricks"

2023-02-13 Ryan Hediger, "Animal suicide and 'anthropodenial'"

2023-02-10 "We FINALLY Figured Out The Secret of Roman Concrete"

2023-02-10 Roman concrete

2023-02-10 "How To Make Roman Concrete"

2023-02-10 "How to Make Roman Concrete (4 Different Materials, 4 Different Strengths)"

2023-02-10 "How the Frogs Cooked Dinner"

2023-02-09 William Byrd, "Self-conscious Reflexive Interpreters"

2023-02-09 "Visiting The World's Most Dangerous Country 🇦🇫 ( Afghanistan 2022 )"

2023-02-09 Steven Goodwin, "I have an idea: build a language that can run backwards"

2023-02-09 Lua (programming language)

2023-02-08 nothing interesting wiki: plan/ideas

2023-02-08 Linux

2023-02-08 Go (programming language)

2023-02-07 Stéphane Bortzmeyer, "Implementation of the Drink server: programming details"

2023-02-07 Konrad Bächler, "DNS for I2P: a Distributed Network without Central Authority"

2023-02-07 Hisham Muhammad, "LuaRocks and the challenges of minimalism"

2023-02-07 Frank Vanbever, "Lua for the lazy C developer"

2023-02-07 Elixir (programming language)

2023-02-07 Drew DeVault, "Introducing Helios"

2023-02-07 Drew DeVault, "Introducing Helios Microkernel"

2023-02-06 Trainspotter

2023-02-06 Tom Hacohen, "Starting an Open Source Startup"

2023-02-06 Tim Urban, "The Story of Us"

2023-02-06 Matthieu Gautier, "Jubako, a new generic container format"

2023-02-05 Yarmo Mackenbach, "Keyoxide: verifying online identity with cryptography"

2023-02-05 Tobias Augspurger, "Open Source in Environmental Sustainability"

2023-02-05 Pjotr Prins, "Zig and Guile for fast code and a REPL"

2023-02-05 Nelson Vides, "The Actor Model as a Load Testing Framework"

2023-02-05 Max Leonard Inden, "Peer-to-peer Browser Connectivity"

2023-02-05 Max Leonard Inden & Dennis Trautwein, "Hole punching in the wild"

2023-02-05 Marie Dubremetz, "Consulting for digital humanists"

2023-02-05 Jon Häggblad, "The Nym Mixnet"

2023-02-05 Jonathan McHugh, "Literate Storytelling: Interpreting Syntaxes for Explorers"

2023-02-05 Hein-Pieter van Braam, "Clear skies, no clouds in sight. Running a 14 person company on only free software."

2023-02-05 Dennis Trautwein, "Decentralized Storage with IPFS"

2023-02-05 Boris Budini, "Breaking away from Big Tech"

2023-02-05 Arun Isaac, "tissue—the minimalist git+plain text issue tracker"

2023-02-04 Remko Tronçon, "Exploring WebAssembly with Forth (and vice versa)"

2023-02-04 nothing interesting wiki: Meta

2023-02-04 Noel De Martin, "From Zero to Hero with Solid"

2023-02-04 Ludovic Courtès, "Where does that code come from?"

2023-02-04 Jakub Jankiewicz, "LIPS Scheme"

2023-02-04 FOSDEM 2023

2023-02-04 Andy Wingo, "Whippet: A new production embeddable garbage collector"

2023-02-04 Andrew Whatson, "Introduction to Pre-Scheme"

2023-02-04 2023/02/05

2023-02-04 2023/02/04