_  _ _    _        _              _     _                      
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📆 January 9, 2021 | ⏱️ 1 minute read | 🏷️ journal updates

Site Update 007

What's New

I provisioned a new TLS certificate from ZeroSSL[1]. That's why there was some downtime yesterday on 0gitnick.xyz. By default Caddy[2] provisions TLS certs from Let's Encrypt[3] with a P-256 public key. I don't trust NIST curves[4] so 0gitnick.xyz uses a 4096 bit RSA key now. As of the time of this post all other clearnet site mirrors[5] use 2048 bit RSA which is also secure.


🔗 [1]: ZeroSSL

🔗 [2]: Caddy

🔗 [3]: Let's Encrypt

🔗 [4]: NIST curves

🔗 [5]: clearnet site mirrors

Copyright 2019-2023 Nicholas Johnson. CC BY-SA 4.0.