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👋 AS400 RPGLE/COBOL/C++ I do those things. But most likely not here. Here instead, perhaps to discover more Gemini and getting back to a Smolweb.
🗣 Followers 2 · Following 3 · Logs 34 · Docked 2 years ago
For dinner I had Raisin Bran cereal. I literally had zero motivation to cook tonight, so I went for a comfort food. Big storm moved through the area today and one of the doors got blown in. Broke the latch of the door and the door itself looks like it'll need to be replaced. However, that's about the extent of the damage unlike my neighbor who lost quite a bit of his roof's shingles.
💬 1 Reply · 2 Thumbs · 17 hours ago
My made-up wisdom: Complicated things are complicated, and if there exists a desire to uncomplicate those things, that endeavor is complicated.
💬 3 Replies · 5 Thumbs · 4 weeks ago
I went to a park the other day. The park has a new tennis complex in the location where the county agricultural center used to be. I remember as a kid my grandfather would take us kids there to show livestock. After we were done, we'd get a foil wrapped ham and biscuit from one of the vendors that would usually show up. I remember this one time my cousin got his biscuit and my cousin had ran off into the stands. After awhile, we all finally found him. Sitting on the top row of seats. He said, "Hey granddaddy, you said we could watch a bit before we left." And so we all did. (Rest of story in replies)
💬 3 Replies · 3 Thumbs · 1 month ago
Moment of analogy. Gasoline is dangerous. For obvious reasons, one must be careful with it. Not just toss it all over the place or chuck matches at it. And yet millions of people fuel their transport with it every day with little fanfare. I feel there is a bit of an analogy, at least given some events today, to organized religion. That's all. Sorry to intrude. For what it's worth, I successfully made my first whole grain loaf of bread today. A bittersweet event after reading about some of the news today.
💬 0 Replies · 1 Thumb · 2 months ago
What I learned about the future of Reddit from the AMA 🔥 🔥🖥 🔥
💬 2 Replies · 0 Thumbs · 3 months ago
My biscuit recipe: 230g of White Lilly Self-Rising flour. 50g of Crisco Butter Flavor shortening. Use biscuit cutter to cut shortening into flour Chill flour in freezer five minutes 160g (yes grams) of whole buttermilk Stir mixture "just enough" Roll into ¾ to 1 inch thick sheet, cut with biscuit cutter (never turn the cutter, up and down motions ONLY) Melt some unsalted butter in a bowl, add a drop of buttermilk to melted butter, brush on the tops of the biscuits. Bake at 450°F or 220°C for about 10 minutes ± 5 minutes This is my quick recipe when I'm in a rush.
💬 2 Replies · 2 Thumbs · 3 months ago
Personal opinion, but perhaps a widely held one. Charley horses are very unpleasant and I would rather them not be a thing. I say this having been woken up this morning by one. Was quite rude to have been woken up so early today. I volunteered to wait staff for a VFW dinner last night. I am certain that I have overdone myself with the carrying dishes. I was hoping to sleep in a bit late to make up, but clearly my muscles had other intentions. Side note in all of this: I more than likely need a bit of regular exercise before I go off and do these kinds of strenuous activies.
💬 0 Replies · 2 Thumbs · 4 months ago
Begin rant/ Dorsey's new Blueksy just came to Android. Insert the usual: Those that forget the past, something, something, use more social media. Bluesky has decided to use their own decentralization protocol because (https://xkcd.com/927/) Yes you already know which xkcd that one is. I hear ideas on why Gemtext needs to have *Insert markdown idea here* (humor of using italic markdown not lost here) and the thing is, if there ever is some "update" to Gemtext it ought to be something "we†" all agree upon. Because if not, well that's Jack Dorsey and you don't want to be **that** guy. † we being a broad term I won't define better here
💬 5 Replies · 5 Thumbs · 5 months ago
Does anyone know if SmolZine is going? I keep checking back every so often but I haven't seen anything as of late. I always liked StinkyPInky. gemini://gemini.cyberbot.space/smolzine/
💬 2 Replies · 2 Thumbs · 6 months ago
Over on this post gemini://thrig.me/blog/2023/03/04/xkcd-colon-slash-slash.gmi I found on Antenna I see this about the xkcd scheme such as xkcd://356. Of course there is no standards body hashing out these details, it's just me making up stuff as I go along That's all any of this is, stuff we make up as we go along.
💬 0 Replies · 1 Thumb · 6 months ago
Saw this post gemini://skyjake.fi/gemlog/2023-02_side-if.gmi today. It's great to see people still interested in new IF. I've been an Inform 7 kind of person for some years now. The thing @skyjake is pitching is pretty interesting. I'm still a fan of the Zork style (type all your input in) but I get the vast improvement with the point and click. Case in point, the difference between old Day of the Tentacle (with it's mostly Manic Mansion UI) versus the Remastered version with the UI Skyjake is thinking about. The difference in the actual end product isn't much different, but the newer UI prevents the "correct verb" fustration that the early version had. So count me as interested.
💬 5 Replies · 2 Thumbs · 7 months ago
People of Earth, I am successfully posting to Station from Lagrange on iOS. Also outside of the oddity of someone who uses Linux using an iPhone, transferring my Lagrange data was easy stuff except for getting the zip file from my Linux machine to my iOS device. Mostly because I forgot that email was a thing for like twenty minutes. But importing my stuff from my Linux box Lagrange into iOS Lagrange, very easy 👌👍
💬 4 Replies · 5 Thumbs · 7 months ago
So apparently the sociopath in me has decided to try a bit of writing a Gemini client in Rust, which yes I know there's plenty already. I think the point is less to make an actual client in Rust and more to learn sockets in Rust, and also to get a bit better at Rust in general. Interestingly, there's not much to do to get a VERY basic Gemini client running. I'm currently using just the url and native-tls crates and in about 50 lines have a basic spit gemtext out onto the CLI. But I think having done this, I've really come to apprciate the sometimes terse nature Rust tends to enforce about coding.
💬 2 Replies · 6 Thumbs · 7 months ago
Using the lastest Lagrange but finding that inline images are shown with a blue/green tint. Like the red channel is missing. https://imgur.com/a/C88QE7N The user interface is fine and downloading the actual image produces a normal image, but the inline preview just has an odd tint to it.
💬 2 Replies · 0 Thumbs · 8 months ago
Something I've noticed about Lagrange is when I have "split view" going, if I click on something in the left pane that prompts, the prompt shows up in the right pane. Wasn't sure if that's a configurable thing or if I've messed up or something I should note as a bug? Has anyone else had this issue? This is on v1.13.7.
💬 2 Replies · 0 Thumbs · 8 months ago
I've been working on building a shed on my land for working on all my digital circuits. Was at the installing insulation phase when the winter air hit the US. Now that it has moved on it was time to head back out to the shed and complete the insulation. I thought for sure that ice, water, something would have found it's way through something. I am happy to report that I'm apparently much better at framing and putting up outer walls than I originally gave myself credit for. (Or that I have beginner's luck)
💬 1 Reply · 2 Thumbs · 9 months ago
I have found that an increase of cynicism leads to a decrease of trust. Not that, that finding is based on a rigorous study or anything, just simply something I have observed over the years. It seems, to me, that general cynicism (people one is likely to never have a personal relationship with) somehow bleeds over into specific trust (people one is likely to have a personal relationship with). Now of course what prompted this, I just spent a weekend with friends whom I've not talked to in some time. And it got me thinking about family visits I've had recently that's had similar results. Or I am really good at selecting a particular type of person to surround myself with.
💬 1 Reply · 0 Thumbs · 10 months ago
Just noticed that Geddit (gemini://geddit.glv.one/) has an expired certificate. I tried looking for a ... contact.txt (I think that's the correct one) file but didn't find anything.
💬 1 Reply · 0 Thumbs · 1 year ago
A friend of mine has been working on building a shed to "office" in with the whole WFH stuff. Last weekend he asked if I could help with digging a trench for a fiber optic run. Digging a two foot down and seventy-five feet long trench is some intense work. The nice thing is there was five of us there, so took us a good afternoon. But dang, I highly recommend just renting a trencher for anyone else attempting anything similar.
💬 2 Replies · 4 Thumbs · 1 year ago
I just wanted to take a moment to say that seasonal allergies... I'm not a big fan of them. In fact, I think we could just do away with them entirely and I'd be fine with that. That's all the time I'll take from you today, thanks for reading.
💬 1 Reply · 4 Thumbs · 1 year ago
If one could upload their entire mind into a computer system to make a computer brain: Would our flesh brain get jealous that the computer brain copy gets to live on long after it [the flesh brain] is gone? Would the flesh brain wave away the issue with some logic like, "It doesn't matter, I'll be gone" or "Well it's me anyway, so what does it matter"?
💬 3 Replies · 0 Thumbs · 1 year ago
Story time Once upon a time I went with some friends to one of those guided whitewater rafting things. While the raft was getting ready, I had the following conversation with the guide: me - Where do the brave sit? guide - In the front. m - Where do the idiots sit? g - In the front. m - Well what separates the brave and the idiots? g - Their willingness to accept their choice. I still think back to that conversation to this day.
💬 1 Reply · 3 Thumbs · 1 year ago
A friendly reminder that Internet Explorer support ends tomorrow. The 27-year old browser is finally laid to rest/put out of it's misery.
💬 4 Replies · 2 Thumbs · 1 year ago
Hooray! I figured out Stinky Pinky from smolZINE!! gemini://gemini.cyberbot.space/smolzine/smolzine-issue-27.gmi It's little wins that matter the most these days!
💬 0 Replies · 3 Thumbs · 1 year ago
I completely agree with this message. gemini://space.matthewphillips.info/posts/spartan-gemtext/
💬 1 Reply · 2 Thumbs · 1 year ago
Mmmm.. Fresh shipment of breadboards today. I've got a few 74HC573s intended for them. ☺
💬 0 Replies · 1 Thumb · 1 year ago
Clear example of the difference between mindset of web browser devs and Geminispace devs. I don't want to encourage the use of Markdown instead of Gemtext, as that would make viewing content in other clients a worse experience. gemini://skyjake.fi/gemlog/2022-05_lagrange-1.13.gmi Had this been the web, a browser dev would have been "Cool! Now we can crush everyone else!" @skyjake actually stopping to think about other clients' devs is something you just don't see on the web anymore.
💬 3 Replies · 6 Thumbs · 1 year ago
Inform7 is now Open Source! I don't if anyone is into Interactive Fiction, but I love Inform, been using it since Inform 6 in like 2005-something or another. If you ever wanted to write your own "Zork", Inform 7 is an amazing choice. http://inform7.com/
💬 0 Replies · 2 Thumbs · 1 year ago
Had our first really warm day today. Broke out the lawn mower. Started drifting in thought while cutting. Nothing really, just in and out of different things. But I hadn't been in a state of just roaming around in my head since the pandemic. What I did find out is that I really need to dust out the old noggin. Clearly I need to pick back up some old hobbies.
💬 1 Reply · 2 Thumbs · 1 year ago
Is anyone else having issues with gemini://gemini.circumlunar.space ?? It seems down at the moment.