murdock's microblog

this will likely be rather random


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2023-09-10 22:55 EST old friends

Ran into some old neighbors today, really nice to catch up with folks from the Burlington ONE days.

2023-09-10 19:35 EST go microblogging

I opened my tsumego pro app for the first time in months, then saw this linked on Mastodon. Baader–Meinhof aside, nice looking website, clear on mobile.

go studies

2023-09-10 11:59 EST Moving Office

Tinylogging from the new office setup in the cat room. Need to plan strategic defenses from Kepler/catbox interactions, but the view out the window is nice and there is the potential for working out on the deck. Studio is going to be interesting to plan; the key is no wires visible. The old studio could have been from the house in Lain.

2023-09-09 18:29 EST Saturday Night Fred

After a morning pouring coffee for folks at the Mad River Taste Place and an afternoon on the Phen loop, spending an evening with the Jacob Fred Jazz Odyssey circa 2005 and a cider of mine from 2013. Cider is clean and slightly sweet, seems to have avoided the ravages of time so far. The JFJO is electric, playing plenty of "modern standards", or at least in that tradition. Jason Smart on the drums; intentional drumming that isn't afraid of spaces.

JFJO @ Cafe du Nord

2023-09-04 21:48 EST quinine delight

Began the tonic syrup journey tonight, first batch informative as to what parameters to tweak.

2023-09-03 19:55 EST dithering

Playing around with a dithering tool, which can make anything instant lo-fi vaporwave:

Bragg Hill

2023-09-03 19:51 EST wood

Today was spent tidying up from two large trees being cut down in our yard. Chainsaw, wood splitter, rearranging the woodshed. As they say, wood heats you three times: when you cut it, when you stack it, and when you burn it.

2023-09-02 21:51 EST xmpp

dusted off the old xmpp account ( and seeing what's what. Dipping a toe into the tildeverse though a neat xmpp-to-irc service.

2023-09-02 21:49 EST Emoticon

/ (´・×・`)\

2023-09-02 21:36 EST Coffee Reading

K is updating her website, there have been a lot of new and changed things this year! I did a re-read of the site and found this old article on iced coffee. It even reads well on lynx!

from the ks coffee blog

2023-09-02 20:17 EST Nice Day

Just a rather nice day out here. Hiking, art at the Bundy Modern, good meal/ice cream (non-dairy pineapple :chefskiss:). Tomorrow will be all chainsaw, all the time.

The Bundy Modern - Waitsfield, VT

2023-08-31 09:47 EST hee


2023-08-27 07:58 EST Re-Assembling Home

Giving the house the deep clean it never had. Carpet shampooing is immensely satisfying when you dump a gallon of black water down the drain.

2023-08-21 21:31 EST Markor

All of my microblogging so far has been courtesy of this very nice text editor. Also functioning as my to do list and master note keeping app on mobile. Extremely versatile!


2023-08-21 22:00 EST French permacomputing

Not Gemini, but still smol:

2023-08-20 15:19 EST at home

A weird end to vacation as we come home to a house we cannot sleep in. The main floor smells of plastic sheeting. Blowers run continuously. Had a slumber party in the roastery watching Downton Abbey with the pets, who both seemed gratified to be home. Kepler cut his paw; it's healing but he needs to keep off of it.

2023-08-15 16:21 EST chiptune

a field guide to chipmusic

2023-08-15 14:25 EST Lil Wolf

Afternoon at Little Wolf, pour over via machine ("Tone"). Talk of slow growth, best coffeeshop principals.

2023-08-15 11:19 EST Odonian rights

The right to work, to be maintained while working, and to share the product with all who want it.

2023-08-14 17:09 EST permacomputing


Added my name to this open letter.

2023-08-14 14:04 EST on foot

Just hiked "cross country" (4 km) through woods and bogs, past the school and a farm to get from the rental to the family.

2023-08-14 11:45 EST setup

Reading the RFC to get the hang of this; pleasantly straightforward! Tried to set an avatar, hope it comes out right (first time delving into Unicode symbols).

2022-08-14 11:10 EST oh hello

Tinylogging from the ocean. Rockport lives up to its name.