Today I'm off work because of Independence Day -- basically we all got holiday pay for Saturday but I'm usually off on Saturdays, so I had to take off another day in the week to avoid going overtime. In other words, Government jobs are great. I've done a load of dishes and made breakfast. It turns out I've still got the cooking eggs thing even after not having cooked them for some time. Did I mention that I'm back to vegetarian now (ovo-lacto)? Covid did that. I'm blaming Covid and my mental health. Speaking of mental health, I've been in some kind of depression for the past couple of days now. Just thinking of that Of Montreal song: ``` I'm in a crisis I need help Come on mood shift, shift back to good again Come on mood shift, shift back to good again ``` I think of that song a lot when I get like this. Because that's what it feels like -- I know in my head that there's no reason to be sad/numb/blegh but it's like my brain is a car and the mood shift just won't shift out of first. Let's see, for the rest of today I want to: * write that "getting started with Gemini" that I started a while ago but didn't finish/probably don't need to write but whatever * finish the dishes * fold laundry * hack on bollux and get TOFU at least sort-of working * . . . I'll check back later with the exciting results. Don't touch that dial!