Weird Animations

I don't know how much use these will be to anyone, but I'm keeping them as a reference. These are a list of odd petz animations. Most don't appear to ever be called in the game but are still hidden away inside the data.

They can be viewed in Pet Workshop. Ensure Rendering>Animate is checked. Then select Rendering>Animation>Custom. The last three options in that menu should now be available to select. Go to Rendering>Animate>Pick Number and enter the animation number in the box.

The numbers also correspond with the .bdt files inside the game's rez.dll files, as these are the individual animation files. For more info on animation files, check out this Petz animation guide by Nick Sherlock (the guy behind PetzA, LNZ Pro, and Pet Workshop).



That's it for Dogz, but Catz are another story. Because Oddballz, which came between Petz 1 and 2, was based off the Catz engine, and Petz II was a later refinement of Oddballz, the cat rez file contains a lot of animations that originated there, including some really weird stuff! If you play Oddballz, you will recognise some of these.

Butterfly Chaser's modded flying bunny
