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📆 December 2, 2021 | ⏱️ 2 minutes read | 🏷️ journal updates

Journal Update 017

What's New

Future Plans

Final Note

A while back I said I don't wish for my entries related to spirituality to be interpreted as truth-apt. I've complained about the difficulty in explaining spiritual concepts. But I think I've finally reached a point where I can explain myself better. So I'm retracting my previous stance. Please do interpret future entries related to spirituality as literally true.


🔗 [1]: Cgit

🔗 [2]: Operation Not in Your Sites.

🔗 [3]: War on Sharing

🔗 [4]: self-hosted email

🔗 [5]: about page

🔗 [6]: Python script to crawl the journal and detect all the dead links

🔗 [7]: promoted page

🔗 [8]: TODO

Copyright 2019-2023 Nicholas Johnson. CC BY-SA 4.0.